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Old 11-26-2008, 07:59 AM   #42
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Cassidy / St.Clair audio released in 4 videos

[Quote: I trust it was not a sacrilege to mention that I salute these men and their women and children, and i am sorry to hear their agreement seems to have been cancelled by lesser creatures not from here] -Michael St Clair.

Dear Michael,

Thank you for your expedient response.

As you said, "We have to move past words, thoughts Logos and Light."
I have read many books on this subject. There is no shortage of supply there. I personally enjoy absorbing esoteric gnosis that has stood the test of time. I have only read 2 books by Krishnamurti (YOU ARE THE WORLD & THE FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE) and I loved them; if your books are anything like his, I am certain that I would love them as well.

I agree with you that "words" and analytical left brain thought does not provide the answers... they merely provide a road map. I am trying to live intuitively and from the heart after absorbing copious books and filling several book shelves. Unfortunately, I have spent far too much money in the last 2 years on such analytical words and thoughts; as I am now in a personal renaissance where great mysteries and abilities are unfolding before me.

I just returned home from work, eager to hear the wise words of your response. I counsel and caretake opiate addicts while they kick their drugs; this service, albeit, with a difficult population, has provided more insight, rewards and enlightenment then all of my books put together.

To serve mankind in the most efficacious manner (which is the goal of your wisdom), would you consider offering a free online version of your books to those here at Avalon? The soul rewards would most certainly outstrip any cumulative monetary gains that could be mustered on this 3 dimensional plane. The more who read, the more who survive, no? According to your response, this information is too timely and important to with hold from those that may not have the funds due to their choice of profession.

I would also like to say to your detractors that it is very rude to attack a man whose valuable time is spent answering these questions. PLEASE do not be so offensively aggressive! Michael is a human, with human feelings and defenses. These "attack posts" are not productive, enlightened, or deserved. People are entitled to respect. Respect of their person & of their beliefs.

Michael, please realize that many who would be seen as "lesser beings" or "in denial attackers" are merely seekers of truth; some are absolutely terrified. Terrified by doom sayers; whether it is true or not. In their fear they react emotionally and often without filtration. These are the people that are most in need of our tolerance, love and patience. These are the people that help us evolve as compassionate beings. Please continue to bless their anger and realize that it is merely symptomatic of a greater situation occurring on this forum, on this planet, and in this universe.

Again, Thank you Michael.
I am sorry if my comment was interpeted as insulting, didactic and pedantic.
En Lak'esh: You are another me.

Last edited by Accipiter_Phi; 11-26-2008 at 08:13 AM.
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