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Old 03-17-2010, 11:34 AM   #696
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 68
Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

hello jan,
i said to myself i wasn't going to post on forums anymore, but when i saw your post about here being an illusion, it is.

I don't know what happened, still can't for the life of me remember how i got up there, still don't, anyway i will try to explain.

All started when i said was i am fed up with looking to man for the truth, because like so many, i read the good book, but felt some things didn't feel right, so i said out load, i am now coming to you (I was speaking to god, was i in for a surprise lol).

Anyway, to cut a long post short to the best i can, i found myself dangling in space, in my body, and loads of eyes, i felt love fill my whole being like i have never had/felt before, as i thought, i would receive answers, in fact, the information was overwhelming at first, i am finding this difficult to explain, some of it i can't explain ( no words to explain it). I became one with all that is, i was everything, everything was me, and i knew everything, this nothingness/space/consciousness/source of all with intelligence, i was part of it, as is everyone else. Now i don't know if i adapted, or if the Source or whatever helped me adapt, but my body disappeared, and then i became a pair of these eyes, and not physical either. i was shown here is an illusion, in fact, where i was felt more real than here, and it was at this time i realized, we are all one consciousness, one body if you like. I became aware of things i did not know, like all of us have this divine spark within us, we are splinters of this consciousness, but we are all from the same source of all (some call it god), but to me it had no name, none that i could put into words, it had no gender unless it wanted it, it just was,is and always will be. Anyway, after i was shown a few things about earth and other things, i too became this nothingness, no body, no eyes, just a nothingness full of love, and intelligence, felt everyone/thing. The one question i could think of was, what will happen to all the people down there (because of all these stories you hear, that try to frighten us), and in an instant, not by word, but more of a telepathic /feeling, i was shown all here has its purpose, and all will be ok, we don't die. My understanding is, the physical dies, but the consciousness, is energy, it can't die, just transformed.

As for here being an illusion, the only way i can explain, because i am no scientist, is, everything/energy vibrates at a certain rate, and here it vibrates at such a rate it gives it mass (solid form) and the reason why we feel, is because our consciousness is housed in this body of mass, which has 5 senses to help us function within this plane of existence.
After this experience, i still believe in a God, but my perception of the God that i was taught, has now changed, the difference is now, now i know i am part of it, we all are, we all came from the same source of all that we call God. finally, what i was also shown is, what is being said here, what you think, you draw to you, because we are fragments of the Greater consciousness we are connected, and your desire is felt, therefore, the greater source of all brings your desire to fruition.

now i will go and hide again, thank you jan/michael/barry for taking such risks to help humanity understand the truth of things, sorry for the long post too.
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