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Old 02-19-2010, 08:47 AM   #23
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: New Bill Ryan Video On Youtube

Regarding timelines, let’s use the movie Back to the future and its sequels to get our bearings. Observe that Marty McFly always experiences one “present” of his, or one “future”, or one “past”, at a time. And although Marty gets to see different futures, he can only ever access one of them at a time. So: “the past”, “the future”, and even “the present” are all of them works in progress. However, we can only ever experience one version of them at a time.

Now, if Marty had failed to act in a way that created the future he wanted, what would he have done? The answer is, he would have travelled back in time yet again, seeking to make the optimal changes in the past. Now let’s take it as fact that the beings at Roswell were us, from the future. Further, let’s accept Arthur Neumann’s and Dan Burisch’s testimony as being accurate on the particular point that the beings at Roswell were travelling back in time with the aim of changing events in such a way that a better timeline would thereby be created.

Just as Marty was ethically entitled to change the past to ensure that Biff never gets to become the world’s richest man, so also, maybe, any “aliens” who are a future us are quite entitled to interfere with plans such as those referred to in the video?

Well, I would say that ethically, there are still major limits to how much they should interfere. But one thing I am sure of. Suppose a significant number of us in our present form all do as much as we believe we are able to psychically create the kind of world we want to see. Then surely, I would argue, that gives these future “us” beings full licence to augment our efforts a thousandfold. Because they would then not be imposing their solution, but making the solution happen that we at this time have chosen. We are not alone.
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