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Old 03-19-2009, 08:09 AM   #5
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Particle accelerator may soon be shut down—by ripples from the future.

Originally Posted by WiNaDeYo View Post

It's impressive that this research is actually being contemplated...not by New Age Gurus or ET abducties or channellers...but by bigtime scientists.

Maybe we're not so crazy after all!
Thanks WiNaDeYo! This is what I thought too...

I was pointed to this article by a close friend of mine who has been invited to an ‘informal meeting’ (whatever does it mean) at CERN to discuss the possible danger of Black Holes and some of the researches of Dr. Rössler .

The many problems that LHC is having is on the agenda as well, included the possible shut down.
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