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Old 11-18-2008, 11:06 AM   #5
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 467
Default Re: Yet another cryptic warning...

Don't you think that some of the 'get ready' stuff is becoming kinda apparent around us, I mean there's that army force preparing in the states, the UK has to be one of the most hooked up countries in terms of cameras and control in the world. I mean the people of britain are really always on camera somewhere. I live in France and they are closing down some metro lines next week to run security drills ..............its not so hidden at all, and that's the crazy thing for me is they are getting on with their plans right in front of our noses and no one bats an eye.

I was in New york 2 years ago and was totally gobsmacked looking out of my taxi window at an army unit with machine guns siddling down the street and peeping around a corner about 6 or 7 of them and I said jesus did you see that and no one apart from me and my boyfriend seemed even to notice. I know I'm a pretty observant person but this was ridiculous. People literally walked by them and didn't take it in. If I had not been a foreigner I would has asked what the hell is the army doing in the middle of the city especially when they have swat teams etc.... to do this secret work. But as I'm not favoured by the officials in the states (for a reason I have never been able to establish I am on their watchlist, as are thousands of others including my little quiet mother-in-law who is genuinely a little granny who goes to prisons to teach people to read)

I asked at the airport in washington once only to be told by the man at the desk, who was obviously of arab decent, that he was on the list also-- and had the highest security in the airport and he didn't have a clue why.
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