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Old 12-07-2008, 08:38 PM   #14
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 49
Default Re: MonoAtomic Gold.(philosophers stone, mfkzt)

below is an excerpt from "The Wave series" at

At about this point in time, when I was wading through all of the material I had on alchemy, a friend called me and said she had a very interesting video she wanted me to watch. I agreed to a time and went to her house and viewed a lecture by a fellow named David Hudson who is a "modern alchemist," of sorts. Since I was already "primed" with all this reading in alchemy, I was pretty excited by what I was hearing in this taped lecture. I was ready to meet the guy, who was bringing his show to town, and even considered investing in his project, since it seemed that the main thrust of the publicity program was to generate funds, as he claimed to have mortgaged everything he owned and borrowed from Peter AND Paul just to get the process down pat and was thus unable to continue with the actual "work of extraction and transmutation." For some reason there was something about the whole thing that bothered me, but I couldn't quite pin it down.

So, we asked the Cassiopaeans about this idea on September 12, 1995:

Q: (L) OK, now, this David Hudson tape, about what he calls the Philosopher's Stone. What is this substance that David Hudson has discovered?

A: Watch developments there only from a distance.

Q: (L) Is taking this substance as he is talking about, is it dangerous, as I kind of think it is?

A: Possibly.

Q: (L) So, in other words, I should not get involved in that, either?

A: Up to you.

Q: (L) I know it's up to me, but you said to watch it from a distance, so I'm assuming that is a clue...

A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, my feeling is that there is some negative energy behind that, even though he is trying to be a positive person and do positive things, and that...

A: This is often true!

Q: (L) I think that taking something like that to transform your consciousness without doing the work or having it occur naturally is black magic. That's what I think. (F) It's too easy... I read over the years bits and pieces from various different sources that all the things he described in there which to us would appear to be an extreme ethereal and spiritual level, such as some of those in India achieve, and all that... are possible for those who are willing to sacrifice. (L) I don't think you even have to sacrifice so much as have the desire and the natural destiny and ..... (F) Well, did Jesus take this gold powder?

A: No.

Q: (L) Did Adolph Hitler take this kind of powder, or something similar?

A: Yes.

Q: (F): That paints a rather bleak picture, doesn't it? (L) Could this powder be utilized to transform a person into a very positive entity doing great good?

A: Or could it be utilized to transform an entire race of beings into hypnotic submission !!!!!!!!!!!

Q: (F): Wow! (L) Put it in the water. (F) Or even just advertise it as the "Manna from Heaven" and get the biggest corporations in the world to ... I mean, you know that if this guy were not meant to spread this stuff all around, by now he'd be running into roadblocks, you wouldn't be allowed to get tapes like that. That was one thing I was suspicious of, like why he hasn't even been stopped, if it's really as wonderful as he claims... I mean it just doesn't fit. Anything that's really, really good, and it's going to truly enlighten a person, remembering just who runs this world, and has for 309 thousand years, are they just going to sit back and say "Oh, yeah, we'll just let this gold powder get spread round everywhere, and get totally defeated," just like that? I don't think so!

A: Okay. Reflect upon messages received and goodbye.

In the discussion that followed this session, we talked about the fact that David Hudson claimed that this "process of transmutation" that one goes through when taking this Monoatomic Gold, as he called it, induced spontaneous and long lasting orgasms. That was part of what had disturbed me because I remembered a man who taught dowsing and who said that the human body, after orgasm, dowses exactly the same as a corpse, and continues to do so for a number of hours. That indicated to me that some vital force was lost by orgasm, and without extreme care and intent, SOMEBODY or SOME THING was getting this energy, and it usually was NOT the partner. So, we discussed that aspect.

(F) Once you progress to the level of enlightenment, and you are no longer in these bodies, you don't need orgasm, do you?

(L) I guess not.

(F) And if it's not an orgasm, then why call it an orgasm. I mean, he's saying, "Oh, it's not the same thing, it's wonderful, it feels the's more pure," and all that...

(L) Right.

(F) BS! I don't buy that. I just don't buy the idea that all you have to do is drink this powder, or eat this powder, and you are going to become a light being, and you're going to bi-locate, and all these wonderful things, and just walk on water, and all that. It just doesn't add up. You know, that's, once again, it's a short-cut. And there are no short cuts.
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