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Old 09-06-2008, 03:27 PM   #1
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Default Proton accelerator / black holes September 10th

Hi Im not here to Spam Stuff but this got my attention a friend of mind brought this to me.
Proton Accelerator

Quick info (not sure its all right but just to give a small picture of it)

Big circular tubing system under earth in France/Swiss border

They take molecules and make them go fast (really fast) around the circle (17 miles circle)
(not sure but Dann Brown in demon and Angel is talking about This)

They collide molecules (protons) to make them smaller and get to the smallest part to find out the composition of the smallest particles known

The CERN is making a new one and are testing it on September 10th

ill give you a link you may want to check they give you all the details and they are talking about Black hole because this will go at 99.9% of light speed

If anyone knows anything about it

I know Einstein and some Greats minds of this planet had alot of theories about time travel and Light speed

Quote from the site

But will the collisions be powerful enough to create a tiny mass of particles with a gravitational pull so strong it can "eat" other matter -- a microscopic black hole? And if yes, could such a thing grow big enough to swallow Earth itself?

The fact is, the LHC could produce a tiny, extremely short-lived (read: harmless) black hole. It is an unlikely event, but one that physicists are nonetheless excited about. However, they discount the possibility of a stable black hole -- one with the chance to grow into something worth worrying about -- as much more science fiction than science.

Recently, two physicists took a close, practical look at the issue by examining known astrophysical phenomena, using what scientists already know about the universe to determine the likelihood that the LHC will produce stable black holes on Earth.

but if the black hole was neutral, and if it was also stable, emitting no Hawking radiation, that could be troubling. Giddings and Mangano examine this scenario despite that the likelihood of it occurring is almost zero, since scientists believe that neutralization could not occur without the emission of Hawking radiation. Neutralization and Hawking radiation are intricately linked quantum processes; if one is occurring, the other should be, too.

Just take a look at the whole thing


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