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Old 02-18-2009, 07:39 AM   #20
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: 'Goblet of Truth'

Dear friends,

Greetings in peace.

The following is a faithful, unofficial and unauthorized ( but legal! ) translation of a conversation between Mr. Billy Meier and Ptaah, the former Jschwjsch(JHWH) of Earth - who still strongly cares of us and of our planet.
The conversation is related to 'Goblet of Truth', which English translation should be soon completed. We shall keep you informed.

The translation is not perfect and may contain some mistakes(specially grammatical, for English is not the first language of Mister J. Barreto, the author) and has been posted by member J_rod7 at our tread 'Mankind & Earth: the Necessary Ingredients for a Responsible Love Story':

Here it is, as posted there - we thought, you all need to know this.

May wisdom and reason further guide us!




This "breaking news" is from a discussion between Billy and Ptaah in August, 2008.
The Population Time-Bomb is NOW EXPLODING. The time is passing us by in which effective action can have any impact. I don't wanna be a 'told-ya-so,' but Billy has already told-ya-so.

*** *** *** *** ***

Billy:... But can you now tell me something of which you had already mentioned early, namely concerning the bank crash in the USA. Is the roughest now past?

Ptaah: No, because the whole thing expands itself even more and, firstly, in the middle of September, leads to the big bank collapse, respectively, to the financial crisis in the USA, with what this Crash then spreads itself worldwide to the financial world and on major parts to big insurances, from which specially Europe will be involved in great mass.

Billy: Yes, then something can be expected. Here, however, I have another question concerning the petroleum extraction: How long time can one still calculate until the petroleum extraction with respect to the worldwide reserves is exceeded?

Ptaah: It has already been exceeded for quite a long time, which, however, is concealed by the petroleum producing states and by groups of companies.

Billy: Is this also the case with Saudi Arabia?

Ptaah: Yes.

Billy: Yes, the petroleum producers pump water under the petroleum deposits in order to drive the petroleum up to the surface. In the course of time there it can happen that the water rises up to the top of the petroleum reservoir and then, at the end, only this water is extracted.

This would mean the end of the petroleum production. The whole thing would evoke a worldwide catastrophe, because the whole economy would collapse.

The petroleum would get still more expensive and just as prohibitively expensive for the private consumers and for the whole transport sector which is dependent on petrol and diesel oil as well as kerosene.

Through this the transport of food from foreign countries would be stopped the same way as also the transport of other economic goods of every type.

Also the mass tourism would collapse, and the people would go again in vacations in the own countries, if they are then still financially able at all to do it.

The cars, tractors, machines tools, ships, aircraft and motorcycles would become valueless scrap metal and the people would have to go again on foot or on bicycle and on horse carts etc..

Also many products, like every kind of artifacts and articles made of plastic would disappear or get prohibitively expensive. And food itself would be cultivated again in the countries which, however, would not bring much because of the overpopulation and consequently famine would arise everywhere.

In fact a deglobalization will occur in such a case - and which in reality threatens - as well as also an enormous unemployment which in the industrialized states alone could include up to 30 percent, while the criminality and the anarchism would assume uncontrollable proportions.

To cultivate food again for themselves in the own countries, for such a mass of overpopulation as it is given, this is as good as impossible in those individual countries, which would have to go again themselves in mass for the agriculture and the horticulture, because the country resources as well as also the existing farmers the horticulture and the smallholders plantations do not suffice for it, because already too much good cultivated land has disappeared, obstructed, concreted over and was exhausted.

A catastrophe is then unavoidable also with respect to the energy because residential buildings and other buildings cannot be heated anymore because of the lack of petroleum as also power stations cannot generate energy anymore, if these are operated with petrol.

Also the lubricants for the motors and generators, as well as for machines of all kinds will fail and will bring many things to a standstill. And an uncontrollable disaster would arise through which many people also would die in the hospitals with respect to medicines, as well as to the medical equipment, and so forth.

I see the whole like this, if within a shortest time other means of energy production and other materials which can replace petroleum as substitute for the everyday life articles and other goods.

However, to it belong also two materials tar and natural gas, which are not eternally-constant either. Also the biofuels are an enormous problem which can be only solved through the definitive abolition through a prohibition of it.

And, if radically measures for a worldwide birth control finally are not taken, then in fact the great disaster cannot be stopped. If all the evil happens in fact, a scenario turns out then on the whole earth, which can be gladly and well marked as the end of the world or as the Third World Fire.

Now only ask yourself whether the clever heads among the researchers and the scientists as well as the responsible ruling ones are clever enough to find possibilities and to take measures as quickly as possible to prevent this threatening catastrophe with security?

They can only do this, however, if they finally listen to the warning and by taking out their fingers from their mouths in order to create an effective and far reaching measures concerning a worldwide birth control as well as clean and petroleum-independent possibilities for the production of energy and hit the nail on the head.

It is also necessary that the people in general reflect and do the right thing in order to correct the criminal and senseless use of the fossil resources. It is also part of it that vehicles, ships, aircraft, motorcycles and cars etc. are not used anymore for spins and holydays trips and as well as also that no sports and race meetings etc, by which fossil and biofuel find application be allowed and increased and carried out anymore.

Also that vehicles with combustible engines are used in order to drive 100 or 200 metres far to the next shopping purchase or to go to the workplace is criminal and it supports the threatening disaster, for which also that must be forbidden.

Cars only should be allowed for absolutely necessary transportations and other important journeys, with which a vehicle with combustible engine only should be allowed to go for the shopping and for the reaching to the job; if the way to it is more than five kilometres.

Transportations of handicapped person, transportations of sick people, important goods and cargo transports as well as school transports for children should be taken into consideration on that occasion as a necessity, vehicles which are, however, only especially provided and marked for it.

And what will be unavoidable if the whole actually arrives is the fact that the whole of the problems becomes still greater and more extensive and not managed anymore in relation to the rapidly increasing overpopulation.

So the demand for energy and the need for vehicles of every kind, for accommodations and houses, for medicines and for the basic consumer articles of daily use will rise just as increasingly more rapidly as also the demand for foods. And exactly in relation to these enormous and irresponsible destructive exploitation practised in a crazy manner by those which keep various kinds of domestic animals which are fed with the best foods which would be the best meal for the people.

This both with regard to first-class meat, which is used for dogs and cats food as well as also respecting to the different grains, vegetables, fruits, poultry and fish and all sorts of other animals which would be the best food for the human beings.

So everything which is done against the evils becomes obsolete and completely worthless even before it is completed; be it through the nuclear or solar energy, be it through the power of wind or of the water or through the energy produced by the incineration power plants or through medications for the illnesses and epidemics, which more and more frequently and more dangerously appear as epidemics and pandemics.

But also the drinking water always becomes into the biggest problem through the rising overpopulation and in the end it becomes a rarity while the people flee from their native countries as gigantic streams of refugees or are expelled from it and penetrate in the industrialized countries, where they hope for a better life, causing through it, however, more and more refugee tragedies and catastrophes.

Also, as a result, illnesses, epidemics and parasites are taken and are disseminated into the host countries, as this happens also with the transportation of goods and products, consequently originating new problems and catastrophes through it in the host-countries for the refugees.

And further evil develops itself by the fact that more and more sexual intermixing of members of different people always take place, which also permanently leads to big problems and to new illnesses and inevitably leads also in fact to behavioral alterations etc. the more extensively these intermixings takes place.

However, from the whole of it arises hate because of other mentalities, religions and cultures, which leads to evil acts of violence which cannot be controlled anymore in a simple and peaceful way.

Ptaah: You understood the thing here, which actually has hands and feet, as you have the habit of saying. The catastrophe mentioned by you already has begun to develop itself, even if the leaders of the earthly governments and the economy etc. do not see yet the whole of it, or simply do not want to admit it, as well as the scientists and the general people do not also.

And with it you say the truth that this global catastrophe actually threatens and closes in, if, as quickly as possible, the responsible ones of the governments and the scientist,s as well as the general people do not undertake the necessary action in order to stop this process already running and do the right thing.

Billy: I myself also calculated this as a great probability accordingly to the law of causality, respectively, in terms of cause and effect of what has been for some time and also is presently occurring on the Earth, and what it is to be expected. One must only sum up one plus one, then, by itself, the result emerges as an irrefutable factor of reality.

A part of the original German text is to be found here:
And the whole text is at:
(Post 1 of JBarreto)

COPYRIGHT 1992/1993 BY Eduard Meier 'Freie Interessengemeinschaft fur Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien', Semjase-Silver- Star-Center, CH-8495 Hinterschmidruti ZH, Switzerland. All rights reserved. No part of the writings, photographs, films, slides, etc. may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, performance, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the holder of the copyright. Published by Wassermannzeit-Verlag (Aquariantime Publishing House), CH-8495 Hinterschmidruti, Switzerland

Now...DO spread the word to the whole planet...!!!

That Peace may yet be in our future


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