Thread: Vote obama!!
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Old 11-04-2008, 05:45 PM   #18
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Vote obama!!

The whole political scene is nothing more than a charade being played out on the public.
If we as joe and Jane public only have what they are showing us then that is what we have to work with as far as elections go.

Obama is a very troubling candidate as there is so much of him the public does not know because it seems to be hidden and if hidden my question is why?

He will not even produce his birth certificate, why? Rumor has it he was born in Kenya, the certificate would certainly put that to rest.
He will not elaborate on where all his funding is coming from, why will he not make that public?
His school records have been sealed and not available to the public, my question is why?
He has been less than forthright about his personal associations and as time goes on that aspect of Mr. Obama appears pretty scary.

The above scenario is not one I would find tenable to vote for by any means.

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