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Old 10-15-2008, 10:01 AM   #88
Project Avalon Moderator
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Northeastern Brazil
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Default Re: Oct6th - Dow jones -500 / -4.60% level 9865.00

Hi End_Times012,

It all depends on your needs. If you have a lot of money in US$ and you can't get hold of 'spot' gold or silver (check out your bank), you could change for more secure currencies, or alternatively buy 'naked' land (farm land to you and me) as that should hold its' value. You could even check out emerging markets for land, but be careful not to get ripped off by unscrupulous dealers.

I would at this time steer clear of the Canadian dollar, as it comes under the Amero umbrella and that geographical area is still unclear as to which direction it will go.

Another scenario, depending on the amount, is that you look for Amero currency (not the comemorative coins) if it officially exists and invest a portion in that - a higher risk but possible higher gains (or loss) and a more secure low risk investment. if you have enough and are wanting to invest, spread it around to secure yourself and possible make a buck or two on the way.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by End_Times012 View Post
Probably a stupid question, but would it make sense for me to exchange the money I have for other currencies, such as the Euro or possibly the Canadian dollar?

I have no idea how I'm going to get ahold of silver or even gold, should the dollar become absolutely useless.
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