Thread: Thuban Thoughts
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Old 03-05-2010, 05:41 PM   #87
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Thuban Thoughts

Good morning ODM.

If I may, with your blessings and in humble service to you and your thread here, I would like to say a few things for the record. As unorthodox as you come across with your thinking, bouncing off the walls, I want to say I appreciate how you dig things up and cover the angles. Even though, you may think within yourself that you are not as confident and that you may know very little, you actually know an awful lot. And as awry as you sound, you are also very balanced in what you do. It amazes me to watch you in all of your chaotic dances to end up standing at the end on solid ground. I want to thank-you for what you bring to this grand table not just here at Avalon but here to the World. If more people would approach this with your eyes and kept their focus on being objective at the same time like you do, then maybe we might have a better chance at creating what it is we would like to create. You are truly a Master in what you do and also how you deliver it. And for the record, much of what you said in your last couple of posts is very accurate, indeed.

Of course the plot thickens as well. The distractions to keep everyone occupied while the left hand is doing something else. Also the enablers steering the traffic so that who's on first, what's on second, and ........

is never realized, meanwhile the ones pulling the strings are culling and sorting out the souls as to who gets what and the why fors, and on down the line. Throw in all the different flavors of lollipops, making everyone a sucker. Just pick one and you will never leave is right ODM.

Fact of the matter is what you think the headlines are now as to what is serious when it is already old news. Just like when a hurricane becomes, it has to play it's path out. Or a tornado.

Here's another one for you. Do you think any of these factions out there give a damn about the forum guidelines? Do you think they should or will go by your rules? Do you really think they are important as to the big picture? All they are, are guiding boards in a herding corral. Just to keep the misfits from falling out of line. Soul energy is soul energy even if it is unruly.

And the EXCHANGE rate for such services rendered is always based in conditions. Which is not by the design of the Creator in principles. Let's just say at around 2 o'clock eastern standard time this passed Monday, I received an answer from the Thuban Council. Abrax didn't have the authority to answer me, come to find out. Neither did someone everyone knows of here and has been a great concern and worry here lately with many of us here. And I'm not talking about Bill and Kerry. This is much bigger than Bill and Kerry. The Bill and Kerry Show is the main distraction as to what I am talking about that carries much more weight than both of them and all their colleagues combined. It involves all of you. As a matter of fact, someone asked me today as to how this could effect all of you. Someone else now knows the seriousness and was very much concerned with all of your welfare. All members here, including the double agents, the drag queens, the nasty little back stabbers, the men haters, the Goddesses that fake it, the love and light butt kissers, as there were no biases mentioned from this compassionate spiritual being. I also apologize for not having those same exact sentiments of compassion after what happened on Monday. Let's just say I'm a littlepissed right now. The reason being is I was trying to resolve a major ditty peacefully, but that is no longer on the table now.

Abrax has done his job as he has so claimed and is no longer the threat that many once thought he was. He opened the door to something way more sinister and didn't have any choice in the matter. He is now compromised along with another in this forum. He was just doing his job as the other one didn't know what she was doing and still might not know the role she played in this. Or maybe she does.

The information presented is as I said it was not. It is not 12 dimensional. Just because that was put out there as so doesn't make it so. If you feel for it and believe it was because the information was above most's ability to comprehend, then you have only disillusioned yourself by the very trapping techniques employed on your ego. What is more dangerous here?
The ego that is not balanced or the information being presented? And if you are a kiss butt CEO type, please do me a favor and go take a coffee break.

Is it so much so that the information is dangerous as compared to the ego that employs it not to be or to be without recognizing the energy signatures of where this information came from in the first place? And what the ego allows as valid without testing it in your heart? Someone recently said to me that I should have had my facts straight before I even posted on that thread. Well, let me tell you something there. Monday was a complete validation as to the fact I did have all my facts very straight and you are the one who is way out of line and you don't have what you think you have in line, in alignment with the Creator, and that is why I am still standing and you have been compromised. Thanks for that exchange. For with out it I wouldn't have been able to discover the truth to your agenda as well.

On another note, what happened on Monday was known right away, all the way to the top. Gaia included and it has all been recorded and all those who participated will be mirrored. Gaia was very unhappy about this and if someone is still listening, you will get an earful at your next high and mighty council meeting. If anything, your ignorance has only caused these members more of being discredited by your association with them and expect a big penalty to be coming your way as one of the first of several more coming your way as you have earned the exchange. Your council almost succeeded. I'll give credit where it is due. Very impressive work, indeed. But guess what? I am still here. And your delivery system was very high tech but I have figured it out. I also know where and what was delivered and from where and what manned the damn thing. All of this has been validated as of this morning on the final tally of investigations this week. And since it wasn't a warning shot, well....... you thought it would be easier this way. The only thing you did was strengthen my resolve and that is not going to be in your favor when we dance again. I'm still being nice; forum guidelines. The thing is folks, if you think I have been off my rocker, and they went to such lengths to snuff me out, then what I have been saying all along is on track. This is above government black ops if you are paying any attention at all.

I also said that all these Arch types are vying for position. Just remember that the dark disguise themselves as light and you are the prize. This is just starting. Hope you are listening Anubis, because in the futures market on the Universal stock exchange, dragon skins are going to plummet and the brokers who also inflate these shares will be placed in total loneliness on some desolate devalued moon somewhere out there. You won't be alone as you will be accompanied by your own aspect personalities as you will have condemned them as well. That will be the final exchange. You both have been tagged.

Your council took it's best shot and failed. I haven't done that yet.......I'm still in debate. Let's just say the ball is in my court now and that isn't ego talking either and I am not sure where the old Roman thumb wants to point in what direction, but you are going to find out real soon where that ends up, and I stake my life on that. Maybe I ought to ask one of your CEO enablers as to which way and watch him squirm as he does the pleading for your reality.

Mind you all here, this is not a game. You want to be part of this exchange, expect to be compromised. If you don't understand what is at risk and never take a risk, save me the babble. Get another cup of coffee.

Thanks ODM! And for everyone else, snap out of it and wake up! Start walking the walk for God's sake, for your sake. A great day to look in your own mirror. Don't exchange your soul for a lollipop called compromise. If it is going to be played on some exchange rate by whoever promotes it, just know you are going to get screwed.

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