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Old 03-08-2010, 12:37 PM   #9
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 335
Default Re: Strong quake hits eastern Turkey ~ 6.0

Hello AscendingStarseed,

In response to your question...
is anyone keeping a log of quakes? Maybe we need to start a sticky on quakes now...
Below is a link to the thread that is being utilized to record earthquakes that are either 6.0 or above in intensity or occurring in areas not known for earthquake activity. Along with other abnormal activity.

In regards to the sticky, someone on the thread requested it, but it has not happened. I guess they rather sticky something like a Thuban thread opposed to something based on facts, real time impact, and actually relates to Bill Ryan's Anglo-Saxon mission video of a possible geophysical event. (hint, hint)

I think Steve A's theory represents solidly some of the activity experienced over the years, but it does not account or add up in my opinion for major activity in areas (some in remote corners of the planet) where there is no drilling, no historically known oil in that area. Now, Geologist to this day truly don't know what oil is in relation to the Earth, so for all we know, it could a form of blood that we continue to suck from the planet.

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