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Old 12-13-2009, 10:21 PM   #103
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 25
Default Re: Has anyone actually seen a PLEIADIAN

I just noticed this thread. I have actually had contact in my meditations with the Pleiadians. They don't say anything... and if they do... I am not at the level of awareness to pick up the messages. They have a pink energy!

James Gilliland is a good example of a Pleiadian contactee. Another person that I met from Oregon, is a contactee of them. Her name is Mona Klinger of Synergy Connection. Anyway, she gave me a really cool description of them. She said some of them look exactly like us, but a little different. She describes them as having different kind of ears, and there eyes are a little more almond shaped. She mentioned that they have a wider hips too... depending on which ones you meet. They have different races just like we have on Earth. Some are of a different variety and may look more different then similar then us. But, for the most part, they could walk down the street and you wouldn't recognize them as being different... as long as they were wearing our clothing. But, there would be an energetic difference, and it wouldn't be good for us at this stage. Thats why they don't walk around on earth as much!
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