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Old 10-10-2008, 08:54 AM   #8
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: What do I do if things really go down?

"My main thing was what do you do besides running for the woods. If you choose to stay. Everything I have researched just talks about escaping off to the woods. Well F**k that!"
I feel you. Steve A is right though about martial law (look how many of the LAPD treat people before they are labeled enemies). I believe there are 2 possibilities:
1) everyone in the cities stand together, peacefully, and refuse to be shipped off to camp or curfewed/imprisoned in their homes - the police and military join this and refuse their orders (realize the end game) and we ascend as human beings leaving the few to imprison themselves (maybe in their DUMBs)
2) people start freaking out (which is what the enemies is counting on) and all hell breaks loose and cities get locked down, people play ball or go to camp.
Either way when it hits the fan it is safer not to be in the city - you should know the signs - you'll know when that time is. Have a plan of escape via small road to a place only those close to you know. This is my opinion and differs from many here, but I don't want to be traveling in a large group or meet with one during the initial lockdown for obvious reasons.
I situation 2 I belive many will die and this will be the necessary catalist for this step of conciousness that will happen. Some of us have to be there for this to happen. It will happen at all levels. But I don't think in these scenareos that a sustainable comunity will be living out there days for long and I think alot of people are saying that they want to live this way until this end. Not me. Some of us have a path of peace and love and some of us must fight so that they may. I am confident that this is not the end of human kind nor will it be a prison planet much longer but what will have to happen for people to no only read about it but do something about it. My doing something about it is not spending this energy and little time we have planning out an unrealistic future starting a farm and community though it may buy some time will not leave a safe world to your children. Lastly some plans are best kept to yourself and people you know and trust.
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