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Old 03-16-2010, 08:47 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: south east uk
Posts: 379
Default OUTRAGEOUS chemtrails over east Sussex

and probably where you are also.
I've said it before, the only thing that bothers me more than the chemtrails are the deniers, and I think even the blind might have to admit there is something up out there. It looks like a battlefield in the sky today. The elf noise I hear has been on so loud all week it feels like I am a stowaway in a ship's hull near the engine. yeah, that probably sounds better than it actually is.

I am near certain this is now all about sun " anomolies".
this is what we need to be talking about.

I am very glad the other issues came to a head but it sure is a distraction. As long as I still see any value ( even minimal) in having a voice here I think we need to move on, we all know what happened , we pretty much know who we like and who to avoid, but jeepers there is a war on out there.
Plus, I will say the elf stuff that hardly anyone realizes we are being COOKED by is making people grumpy, to say the least. I don't mind grumpy, but grumpy and useless is just a waste. GRRRRRRRRRRRR
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