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Old 03-03-2010, 12:31 PM   #5
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Possible simple way reforming most of your own fear, hate, greed, lust and etc.

Originally Posted by Clarityofawareness View Post

About 12-15 yrs ago I wanted to try something. I wanted to see if it was my daily intake of negative thought energy that was stopping me from experiencing more options in life. Most which I sensed came from all my daily news media ingestion. You see, thoughts (not matter their sources) are more powerful than any food, drink or almost anything else. And the kind of thoughts such as ideas, assumptions, perceptions, gossip that I was allowing my poor head to absorb didn't feel very well anymore with me. Most of which, at that point came fro various news media sources all around me.


I had already begun to let my inner weather channel news team be my constant weather forecasters. This is team who operates beyond physical time & space, so they KNOW all past, present and future weather. Call it all my psychic ability to successfully predict any weather within 200 miles of me at anytime. Now, I don't expect everyone here to become instant weather psychics, but it would be very nice if you just realized how much more eternal and unlimited that YOU really are. By doing so could allow your amazing abilities to surface. Well, it works for me at least.

Once your off the weather channel habit work on reforming your other news media habit. Try being off the news media gossip kick for at least one month or more and see how much you change for the better.

If you do try this, to be without news media, feel free to report your findings here.


Hey KevCOA (just like to toy with names and language ;-),

I'm with you 100%!

With me it was about 6 years ago that I stopped reading major newspapers. A couple of years earlier I had quit television ("drug of the nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation"). It wasn't a predominant conscious decision as much as a pragmatic one. Everytime I watched a movie, I felt empty. Everytime I read a newspaper, it got me more desensitized and my neck and upper body got cramped. There was a time that I just had to diminish this kind of junk brainfood (which I didn't realize that it was just that back then), because my system was full of it already. It was hard, because that was for the most part my only 'connection' to other people (and I guess for most people vica versa)... an intelectualized state of affairs-kinda thing that kept conversation and the waste of energy going...

I knew somewhere that this wasn't living and I didn't buy the 'such is life/human condition'-belief, there had to be something more! 6 years of therapy with a therapist-witch got me to access my emotional levels a bit better and later on even get in connect with my spirituality (in the beginning I told her to keep away the spiritual mumbo jumbo ).

Your weather report is a good example and as you said a good starting point. Though my remote viewing skills are, well... not existing at this moment, I tend to feel a lot and with that comes a knowing as well. On one of my lenghty hiking trails I felt when it was possible to camp outdoors... which place was safe and wheter I would be surprised by an upcoming storm or not. I was always right and this for two months of being connected to nature... a wonderful experience!

Loads of light and thanx for your beautiful and aware posts!!!


Last edited by dAkapacity; 03-03-2010 at 01:09 PM.
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