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Old 09-12-2008, 05:40 PM   #6
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Default Re: Infused Avalon Magic

I have been waiting for this kind of connection for years...
It's been a very difficult and lonely journey for me. I've been aware of the escalating negative energies in and on our Earth for such a long time. When I try to tell what I know, I get looked at like I'm crazy and told that I'm nuts and ignored. All of the friends I've made over the past 30 yrs have all gone. I've moved on to a new way of experiencing my world and my friends have not. They're still very grounded in the material reality. I've grown tremendously in my understanding of my true self. In 1991, I slipped into an altered state, quite unintentionally... I asked for Knowledge and Wisdom (out loud). I was immediately given such a powerful feeling of LOVE, that I was overcome. My heart felt like it was bursting and I fell to my knees and cried.. I was given insights about myself, my true self. I was given insights into other things as well, but, I prefer not to talk about them least until I'm more settled in on this wonderful forum.

It's my belief that many of us are now being drawn together for different purposes..The Ground Crews around the world will be assisting the living, making safe places, access to food and medical needs etc.. there will also be groups of people who will assist with spiritual insights, healing, etc.

I will tell you one insight from my 1991 "opening of my heart"...
I was told that all of what we're doing here now would happen. I was also told about the spiritual aspect. Some of us will be assisting while in the physical body and some of us will be assisting from the spirit plane...
This is one of the insights that I've told some of my x friends and was laughed at and called crazy... I hope that what I've imparted here resonates with you.

Love and Peace..
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