Thread: song/anthem
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Old 07-07-2009, 03:58 AM   #17
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: song/anthem

"Un peu plus haut" by Jean-Pierre Ferland as interpreted by Celine Dion, Ginette Reno and Jean-Pierre Ferland in Quebec in 2008.

Here are the lyrics translated:

A little higher

A little higher, a little further
I want to go a little further
I want to see what it's like, up there
Take my arm and hold my hand

A little higher, a little further
I want to go further still
Let go of my arm but keep hold of my hand
I won't go any further than is necessary

Just another step, another leap
A storm, a stream
Look out! Look out: I let go of your hand
Wait for me there; I'll come back

Another step, a small step
Another leap and I'm there
Up there, if I do not fall
No! I'm here! I will not fall

It's beautiful! It's beautiful!
If you could see the world way down there
It's beautiful! It's beautiful!
The sea is smaller than the self
But you do not see me

A little further, a little more alone
I don't want to be far away, all alone
Come and see how wonderful it is here
When you're high up, oh! how wonderful it is

A bit higher, a bit further
I can't hold your hand anymore
Tell me how I was able to climb up here
How to get back down without falling

A little further, a little stronger
Another leap! Try again!
I want to reach my arms out to you
I am too high, you are too low

Another step, a little step
You're too far away! I love you!
Farewell! Farewell! I will come back
If I get back down without falling

It's beautiful! It's beautiful!
If you could just see the world way down there
It's beautiful! It's beautiful!
The sea is smaller than the self
But you can't see it

A little higher, a little further
I want to go further still
Maybe a bit higher up
I will find another path
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