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Old 06-11-2009, 05:03 PM   #28
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Who are we , where do we come from and where are we headed?

Originally Posted by Moxie View Post

What really jumped out at me (and I’m not wanting to start a debate here) is when he said that it’s Ego that thinks we have free will. I am the only other person that I know of that has been thinking this same thing for a few yrs, a pondering really. Here’s why: Considering, that I, and most of us do, Know & have a conscious connection to God/Creator/Ultimate Higher Self, whatever suits you to call it… then the only Will that is real and true is “God‘s... your god being". To think that you have Free Will separates you from God’s. Anyway, hope you get what I’m trying to say here. To be other than lined up with God’s will (your Highest GodMind) is to be separated into your own Egoic Will. That is what really struck me the most! When you are in conscious contact, in that state of Oneness, then you ARE your GodMind's Will, utterly responsible for EveryThing that has happened in your life.
I've had this explained to me, and so I now have a different perspective from what I wrote earlier in this thread. GK mentioned free will in terms of the false dimensional hierarchy which he says has been created to mirror the upper dimensions in the astral...and I do think this exists. So, within that structure we believe we're evolving upwards, but really we're going nowhere at all, we travel in circles, and so free will subverted within that system.

We're told we have karma and need to physically incarnate to evolve, but we lose our accumulated experiences every time we do it, so it's difficult if not impossible to make progress and become the advanced beings we've been promised we will become.
Why would we do this intentionally, over and over again? Why incarnate into suffering and sickness, war, abuse and pain?
Maybe because we're misinformed in the false heavens that have been created between the material plane and the actual heavenly vibrations.

For myself however, I feel as though I've known this and came into this plane intentionally, planning on being reminded and remembering, so as to do something about it. Therefore I don't feel my free will has been so subverted, though I see where most of the planet is filled with those who are deceived.

There is something else about free will worth mentioning. The beings who use it most liberally seem to be the darkest, because those who are aligned with love are more limited in their choices and actions.
So...Moxie, there is something to your God-Mind observation that I didn't see before. Still I stand by my earlier contention that we use free will to explore and experience novelty and thereby create expansion for the One consciousness we share. If Love is the only choice, the only possible experience, there is no chance of expansion. We have to see what else there is and choose...with our will.

Also, if what GK is saying...that we're all god-beings, and have entered into the microcosm of another god-being (which appears to us as the macrocosm), who's to say that the being we've entered is the purity of light and love that we imagine?
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