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Old 10-08-2008, 02:14 AM   #18
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: US Sends $800 Billion In New Amero Currency To China

Originally Posted by bluestix View Post
From the website you linked:

The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America is real. It is happening. Call it a union,
a club, a partnership, a gaggle or sounder, a flock or a pride--it is what it is.

The SPP Working Groups are conducting their business in the shadows of the three nations.
Even the U.S. Congress has been denied access to the groups and their progress. Special
operations law enforcement personnel guard the Leaders' Summits. If daylight is truly the best
disinfectant--why won't they come out into the sunshine?

Because they don't have to--you won't make them.

How will we all pay for this?

Whether it is called the Amero, the Dollar, the Nuevo-Nuevo Peso, or the man in the moon, some system
will have to be in place to stabilize and standardize transactions. You can call it whatever you want.

Of course is real!. The NAU is very much REAL. Just google the former Mexican president, Vicente Fox and you will see how he pushes the NAU. Furthermore, take a look at this:

The first "North American Union" driver's license, complete with a hologram of the continent on the reverse, has been created in North Carolina. Want more proof!, I will be happy to forward you a copy of my Mom's NC Drivers License with the Logo on the BACK!.

So, folks, whether Amero or NOT, this is taking place!. NAFTA is a reality.

Everyone knows that America is losing their independence and the goods are displaced by foreign imports

Now, if all of this is happening, the dollar is tanking, we owe TRILLIONS by the day, why would you not consider that TPB will try to introduction a new currency.

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