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Old 09-26-2008, 12:46 PM   #127
Avalon Senior Member
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Smile Re: Miriam Delicado Interview, Your Views?

Originally Posted by clarkkent View Post
go to the mt adams video, that whole crew up there said they confirmed with their contacts that cataclysms arent going to happen, i believe they said at one time that it definitely was possible (IM saying its possible too, but just a possibilty and we dont need to WILL it into existence)
This is taken from James Gilliland's Newsletter:

By James Gilliland

Whereas I commend the positive outlook and the concept of
consciousness creating reality there are a few concerns about the Mt
Adams Statement. It very well may lure people into a false sense of
security and some will use it as an excuse for denial and the
continuation of the status quo. A status quo that is having deadly
consequences on our environment. I personally believe we are eternal
souls and each soul will experience the changes in a way that is in
alignment with their soul evolution. We are on the verge of intense
social, economic and physical Earth changes. Science and statistics
bear this out if one but looks at the increase in natural disasters,
severe weather, increase is volcanic and earthquake activity as well
as solar cycle 24 which scientists are saying will eventually take
down the grid and anything operating on a microchip.

We also have to take into account the fact that the 50 years it was
going to take to melt the poles was changed to 30 then 20 and now the
North Pole will be entirely free of ice by the end of summer. The
Atlantic current is shutting down due to the mass influx of fresh
water which is the heater for most of Europe. The Earth is expanding,
shifting, groaning, cleansing and moving into a new highly energized
place in the universe. There are also Egyptian, Mayan, and other
prophesies that speak of these times. I believe how we move through
these times is directly related to the level of awareness, common
sense, and degree of attachment. I have always said it is time to
lovingly and joyously prepare without fear or attachment. Listen to
the inner voice deep within and listen to the land upon which you are
parked. What are your feelings telling you. Praise God but tie your
camel. Don't expect a mother ship to save you either. We created this
mess whether it was done in consciousness or action and it is up to
us to clean it up. Nature is evolving and has her destiny as well so
now is a good time to contemplate are you part of the solution or
part of the problem. The problem will be taken care of for it is the
destiny of Humanity and the Earth to move to the next level, the
Earth will cleanse itself and we will join the greater family of
man/woman throughout the multiverse. The only question is where will
you be during this process and will the process concern your job,
your family, your home etc. Something to contemplate.

Be well James

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