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Old 09-17-2009, 05:11 AM   #5
Project Avalon Organizer
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: NE Oregon boondocks, USA
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Default Re: Mercury Retrograde is the perfect time to expose the Truth!

True or False?
Partially true and partially false?

Reptilians Heading This Way
The following information has been deemed unsuitable for the public and
there have been and will be more killings to keep such information secret.

There is a threat of an invasion by millions of reptilian aliens which have
control of the Greys. There are smaller ships heading this way, but nothing
compared in size to the small planetoid that is heading toward this planet,
which is approximately the size of the state of Pennsylvania. It does not
travel at above light speed as do other craft because it is so enormous and
holds so many aliens. It passed near the planet in the early summer of
1989, dropped off some reptilian aliens and headed out to the Draco
constellation. The timetable for the arrival back to earth is approximately
2020, depending on what may happen near Draco. The Hubble Telescopes
primary mission is to track the return of the craft. Aliens are living at
military bases at this time.
The aliens are attempting to move their entire planetary population from
their dying planet as quickly as possible, prior to the arrival of the
Draco reptilians. Presently, the assessment of those in the inner circles
who are dealing with the alien invasion threat is that the Reptilians have
every intention of ruling this planet.
There are many who feel that the
aliens have such a high technology that they cannot be defeated. The next
potential scenario in relation to the expected invasion is the release by
the government of the information relating to the Grays and their earth
bases, but releasing it in such a way that is favorable to the government.
Claims will be made that any other version is but that of

Last edited by Karen; 09-17-2009 at 07:15 AM.
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