Thread: Kinsuemei2
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Old 02-12-2010, 12:16 AM   #13
Marcus Sparacio
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 8
Default Re: Kinsuemei2

Well Dougal, follow the information I provided! Look I don't like repeating myself. I am Marcus, Ben is Ben and Heather is Heather! I gave you my You-Tube info to show you who I am, no relation to Video Game crap, but that's what I do, look at Ben look at ME, Look at his vids and posts on MY page and Look at my posts and vids on you-tube, now if you look at the comments going back 7 months you will see Heathers posts, don't take my word for it there are other guys who knew heather, Hero-Swe, Spunkeez, for a short while she was part of the click it!

Yes heather had her own room but she had to pay for long distance Ben has a computer with magic jack, that allows access to the whole of the US with a one time payment of like 20 bucks or something! so she used his room to call me. And I am a hostile guy because nothing I have been shown so far judging on the witch hunt I observed in the why was Kinsuemei banned thread leads me to want to extend my arms out to anybody here. so far Karen, Anchor and Carol are the only people that have an inkling of understanding in this matter.

You have facts, gentle Jesus follow them!
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