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Old 12-21-2009, 12:55 PM   #12
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: Thoughts on the recent changes to this forum

Life is a continuous changing pattern . Moments of status quo come and go .
Change after status quo create seeming disorder but in fact it's a very
natural process . During these times of change we need to adapt ..
A truth that whas once suitable may not be working anymore to fit
the new scene. Finding our balance through chaotic times is a challenge
but as well an apportunity to put our wisdom into practice and to remember
that we are Love.
Knowing this we can work any situation into an harmonious one.

"When you are in the presence of your enemies, you know for a fact that any love you are able to feel is not because of external factors. You are not loving your adversary because of his kindness, or because you like the color of his eyes, or because you stand to profit by the encounter.

"In the presence of your enemies, you know that you are love . . . and the source of your love. That is the most important reason I told you to love your enemies--not for you to become weak or passive, not for you to be walked on, not for you to suffer, not for you to yield advantages to those who oppose you--but for you to learn that you are love. In knowing this, you gain command.

"Love commands the adamantine particles. Between you and anyone opposing you there are many shared particles. Now, of the two of you, which one is going to command them?"

from the book " Love without end " from Glenda Green

Love Always
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