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Old 02-10-2010, 09:56 AM   #12
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Sweden
Posts: 58
Default Re: My 4th seal has opened

I had a little burst of energy stuff come about on the 27th of January. It was a dream whit me to see this demonstration of something like a portal or something else in this rock cave structure. This light thing had descended down through a hole in the roof rock and when it was down it had had a image imprint inside of a few "signs" I would say. Quite the beautiful display.

the thing was that I felt a strong energy come unto my hearth here. If I resisted it as I did at first, it started to hurt. But as I let it free it became quite a intense feeling of pressure and warmth. But this wasn't all It then ignited down in my abdomen/stomach also, growing in strength there but then though fading in my hearth and staying about in my abdomen. The thing was the "sign" I saw come down responded at the same time to the energy I felt. When I felt the energy in my hearth the top part of the thing shined strong and then shining stronger in the lower section as my abdomen started to feel this. And when the hearth faded away the top part of this light structure display faded down but the lower "sign" stayed strong and continued to shine for a time until I woke up me feeling this up-welling of energy there all the while until I woke up where I could feel a residual linger of sparks If I may say in my hearth and abdomen.

It's one of the most strange things I've experienced as of late in the dream realms.
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