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Old 01-01-2010, 02:44 PM   #17
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: I Raise My Hand to Call IRRELEVANT!

Absolutely beautiful Carol,

"A child begins life in a state of wonder as everything is new, fresh."
I feel like that wonder, that sense of seeking the truth, and ultimately finding it in love, is what we came for. If we came here with full knowledge and in full consciousness, there would be no 'new', so we can actually only have the 'new', 'fresh', from decreasing vibration and forgetting.

Now we can choose to remember any way we like; this is also part of the excitement. Knowing that any way we deviate ultimately leads back to the One, the only limitations are in and of the mind.
We can remember with the analytical left hemisphere, either paying attention to intuition or being purely mechanical and ignoring that feeling, but can only get so far and live in a state of confusion as to how much love and consciousness dances together to create our reality. The magnificence and beauty of love seems like a magical fairy tale to them.
We can also choose to listen to the subtle voice of the heart, to trust our feelings and know each feeling is telling us something about our reality and surroundings. They are there so we can learn from and interpret life in a way that lets us easily see how what we are experiencing connects with what we know.

For me, remembering through my heart is what gives me the greatest feelings of ecstatic love and bliss. Knowing, through feeling that connection with everything, in that vibration, and re-merging with the One Love.

Death must be understood and transcended to truly experience and have the knowing of being One. Death is a word. Words are easily misunderstood, until you have an experience to link to that word. What death really is, can only be answered when you experience it.

Plant spirits can help us have a conscious death experience. If one chooses to pay close attention to the subtle feelings in the body during these experiences and let yourself happen, observing but not engaging the mind, you see that they also show you how to do it with just your own body's chemical laboratory and incorporating the breath.
For most, these experiences are so far away from their usual state of vibration, that the memories are like fading dreams. But when you choose to work your way up and increase your frequency, they begin to stick; and you begin to move into a more harmonious way of being.

To walk with the knowingness of death is the only way to truly live.
Death is but an illusion, one made to seem like something it isn't to keep people afraid of really waking up.

-Love and Light-
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