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Old 01-12-2010, 01:46 PM   #13
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 117
Default Re: Predictions... To be or not to be?

thank your for starting this thread. It's a wonderful idea.

I have a history of making predictions myself. I'm usually very close in general, but tend to be slightly off in details. I can't get the lotto numbers for the life of me.

In 1999, I like everyone else, was concerned about the Y2K bug but I wasn't concerned enough to go buy MRE's, empty my bank account and start storing water. I did keep accurate bank statements to prove how much money I had in my account in case the computer glitch erased balances. Nothing happened so I didn't need the statements after all.

In 2000 I was certain a war was about to start but couldn't figure out what country it would be with. A possible world war, which made me nervous. I started having dreams of myself driving my car down the road. The road and my car both ascended up into the sky and ended in the middle of a building in downtown Rochester...the city I live near.

I also had a dream of standing on the shores of NYC in the late 1800's and someone next to me stated a flood was coming and we needed to find higher ground. We walked up cobblestone streets to a large brick building with a glass dome top. We walked into the glass dome area and stood and watched as a tsunami pf water rushed over us. I feared we would drown but my guide said we were in the "bubble" and were safe. The water subsided and dead bodies littered the streets around us. There were a handful of firefighters with us in this glass dome.

I then woke up and the very next day was 9/11.

I often have deja vu experiences with conversations, TV, movies, ect where I know what will be said before it is said. Or a movie I had never seen before will play out in front of me as if I am watching a repeat.

I had dreams of tornadoes coming right at me prior to invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. At the time I assumed it was terrorist related. Later I figured out the tornadoes represented US troops going into another country.

I have not had lately: tornado dreams or driving my car into building dreams. I have not have flooding dreams either.

Matter of fact I'm having trouble remembering my dreams when I wake up. A few that I do remember tend to involve an abandon plaza in town, shopping centers struggling to stay open. I also have dreams of lots of snow.

I keep getting a feeling that there will be a massive power outage like never seen before. Like everything just stops. being stranded or stuck in one place. I keep thinking there is gonna be no food in the stores, I keep looking up at all the power lines and a fleeting thought of "all those need to be replaced" keeps going through my head.

I have found myself stocking up on food, water and medications. I find myself stocking up on other essentials such as baby wipes, soaps and material. I hate sewing but I am driven to take sewing classes.

I am a former EMT and now find myself stocking a first aid kit that rivals an ambulances.

I find myself double checking and counting ammo on hand, collecting swiss army knifes and multi tools. I find myself being armed more than before. (I have a carry conceal permit and do so much more often than before.) Prior to the last year I would only carry my pistol if I was going down to the city. Now I find myself carrying everywhere for no real reason.

I have also found myself placing electronics in a metal cabinet. Making sure I have lots of batteries and a pair of hand held radios. I am stocking up on lamp oil, getting my old oil lamps ready for s power outage like that of the ice storm in 1991. Buying new wicks, extra oil and long burning emergency candles. I even placed a car survival kit in my car in case I end up "walking home."

I have never been compelled to do this type of thing before. Not during y2k, not during 9/11, not during the 80's cold war with Russia. never before have I felt like I will need to fight to survive.

I even find myself stocking up on things like coffee...extra for trade.

I find myself keeping a bare min in the bank and not even bothering to keep statements anymore. Kind of like whatever is in there will never come back.

Now I find myself looking at home caners and reading about preserving my own food. I have been collecting old cookbooks, old gardening books. I have a bicycle with a rack and a adult size 3 wheel bike with a basket and I keep thinking that will be my new "car" after some event in June of 2010.

the thought of being on a countdown and having only 6 months left to prepare keeps going through my head.

It's surreal really. I can't believe I'm doing all this. Like I'm preparing for ww3 or something.
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