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Old 02-28-2010, 01:12 AM   #713
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: Love and beauty are pervading our world...

The Trees

Divine energy showers upon and bathes the Standing Ones in the light, beauty and knowledge of all of heaven. Their arms open ever wide to give and to receive divine love for their branches reach most high unto heaven and their roots grow deep within the earth. There is much that they offer for never shall you know what beauty has been given when gazing upon or passing by an elder such as this. They offer their beauty, yes, and their towering strength. They stand as temples of the most holy, reveling in the songs of the winged ones, breathing in the majesty of heaven and of earth.

Their quiet majesty speaks. Their ancient wisdom offers. Their holy vow radiates. They are one with all.

Give and you shall receive. Offer a prayer of gratitude to these natural most ancient wonders, for it is not fully known the offering that they give. They stand as testimony to heaven and earth. They are eternal living portals of divine love and knowledge, embracing and communing with all. Raise your awareness beyond the treetops. Lift your faces and breathe in this wisdom, for the time is at hand to be one with all, to give and to receive, with every living being. Rest yourself upon her body. Nourish yourself beneath her arms. But as you receive, you must also give, for the time is at hand and the way is shown. Open your hearts and merge with the majesty of the Standing Ones who are one with all. For here and now all is expanded, here and now the truth stands tall as you awaken and live in conscious you awaken and live at one with all.

Gail Swanson

Love Always
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