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Old 02-23-2010, 08:47 PM   #3
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: What Is the Big Picture Concerning the NWO Agenda?

The original human race has been hybridised by both Annunaki and Draks in their quest for not just the Earth territories but this whole time matrix. These particular Anus and Draks come from a matrix that is 'fallen', which means they are cut off from the source energy through free will choices they have made. If you are not connected to source energy you need to feed off other things and you start to compete for energy, sound familiar? You get worried that there is not enough energy and wars start.
The more hybridised genes you have in your body the more vulnerable you are to influence from these groups, quite often without realising what is happening. You might even think you are doing something good.
The illuminati that are running this world from behind the scenes are being controlled by the Elder Illuminati from off planet, who also consider their own planet hybrids as expendible, the same as the humans. They are being used as well.

The NWO has been in planning since the Atlantean times. These 'people' work on long time scales. The plan is to pull us into their black hole system once we line up with the black hole at the centre of our galaxy in 2012, but it will not be allowed to happen.

There is a long history here but it is finally coming to a close.
For more info look on and click on Info for the Summaries.
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