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Old 03-09-2010, 07:29 AM   #15
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Desire Is The Root of Nothing - A Fresh Look at Law of Attraction

"remember you agreed to your role before you descended upon this earth."
"For me, I don't believe this."

I don't "buy" that either. That schmeel is just another way to make us accept responsibility for something we have no memory of having caused..... IF and/or WHEN I ever come into recognition/memory of having said "yes" to this Station of Life... I will retract that statement.

Until then, I'm mad as hell when I even allow myself to "go there" into the depth of the quagmire that IS this worlds woes! (mind you I don't go the full depth, it's far too painful, I've not touched the full depth, can't go there for survival)

I will NOT take responsibility for something I have no recollection of having caused..but I will take responsibility and DO take responsibility for what I have caused since I was conscious in this life Now.... that alone is almost more than I can bear...because I have gone to depth of That!

Desire for change is automatic just being alive... how can anyone dismiss the shame of what goes down in this world??? Yes there is beauty but the atrocities far outweigh any rest we might find indulgence... and what a shame it is.

On a lighter note... all is a hologram right?<<< would someone please explain how that is justification, like it's a puff of smoke to be done with< it's all Not real anyway type thing...... okay that's not a lighter note is it? but it could be... to dismiss everything you might encounter as transient thought form stuff, as tho it doesn't matter....(except for nerve endings or mental torment... lol, dang that's a hard one huh?)

I'm off to ponder more. There is something important I was going to say and forgot .. so, I'll pipe in again when it comes back to me.
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