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Old 02-22-2010, 01:47 AM   #43
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Default Re: Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret

All that has been established is that Susan Eisenhower has a daughter named Laura who had twin boys. This by no means confirms that the woman who has claimed to be this person is in fact that person.

If Laura is who she claims to be, well she could prove it... so what then? That by no means expresses that the story she told has any credibility. It only establishes who she is related to, though an interesting part of the story, but not the story itself if you take my meaning.

I am also related to a famous person who is from an established bloodline... so what. That by no means confirms or disconfirms any story I may have to tell. It is meaningless. What is important are such proofs that can be established through a solid story with a body of evidence to support the story, the rest of us using our own intuition to ascertain the truth, and speaking from our hearts.

I mean no offence here to anyone. I just want to point out that it is just not that simple to confirm or disconfirm. I find this story to be interesting and intriguing, but have not been thus far impressed with the details thus far expressed by laura or her friend. I hope that if she is serious about this, she will add more meat to the stew for all of us to chew on.

From the Heart,
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