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Old 11-22-2008, 07:15 PM   #6
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 35
Default Re: The Time Has Come...


this is how we haf come?! huh?

divide and conquer! just becouse of ego and wanting a ******* buck!

we look for freedom and prosperity only to be shut down by "own" ppl!

how far has you come, you do this, u do that, but dont do that.

here tis all started with a preacher of furure hope and togetherness. where is it?!?!? huh huh huh!!?!??

here the place were to come toghether and start something new! not the same old ways that are failing before your eyes!!

cash cash cash cash! we need this to survive and get on and do better in the world huh!?!? then teklll me how the hell we as HU-Mans haf suvived and build for eons!

and still u shunn away the best ppl just becouse your project is failing becouse u cant "afford" it anymore!!!

u need money, u need cash, u need the blood and sweat of ppl to continue for the ppl! huh?!

and your god damn right im soo ******, if i could take humanity by the neck and slap em silly to look at the reality i would!

here you are preaching to get the truth out. well here is the raw truth, you are following your goverment and money, remove em both and take a look wath a wonderful world this can be!

money makes you blind, money makes u hunger for power!

whats the difference between u and a crack addict?

whats the difference between you and an alcoholich huh?

none! you will always step on another human just to get it in your hands!

you all talk of your spirit. how does your spirit look at you now? dividing your own fellow spirits for a false reality!

if you cant handle this truth , then i suggest u speak to your own inner self and ask if this is right.

is it right to look down on another human for hafing on free thoughts and free way of living its own life? to haf its own way and principals.

!divide and conquer! this is why humanity will always fail the test of life
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