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Old 02-02-2010, 03:17 AM   #16
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Posts: 161
Default Re: President Obama answers questions on YouTube

Shiftmonkey Im not trying to pick on you but your posts represent a train of thought that I would like to point out.

It seems that your basic argument is that it is overall safer if we dont make it legal for everyone to use. Because The elites of corporate companies and other negative interests will use this to their advantage for more control. Im afraid that this is becoming a hard reality for "awakened" people to realize. The fight isnt going to end. Its called authority. They dont stop because we sneak around doing things instead of out in the open with no apologies.

Im sorry that things will escalate, but that is inevitable. Politics is a sink hole. There is always gonna be someone with a gun in their hand telling you what to do. Im also sorry that is so.

People need to understand that reacting to the government and authority is only useful in the moment. When you start assuming the future of the game, well your losing the idea of what free will is and its importance with the people.

ok I'll stop now. I think my point is pretty clear and obvious. Atleast I hope to god it is.

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