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Old 12-17-2009, 08:59 PM   #22
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 335
Default Re: Are Chemtrails Good or Bad?

Hello All,

Bad indeed. Something good could only be a temporary short term cover for something bad long term. Secondly, political figures would jump face first to capitalize on something being done for us.

When I first noticed the spraying back in August, roughly a month later there was an explosion of H1N1 cases being reported. Therefore, I can easily see this as creating a "second wave", but I don't think that's what's going on this time.

Reading some of the previous posts, I think it may indeed be to hinder the effects of the Sun. That would explain the heavy day and night time spraying.

1) Would be to keep the temp cool from increased sun activity, which would coincide with the unusual behavior of the Sun's current solar cycle. Therefore, you try to prevent the populace from noticing or experiencing the changes due to the populace putting 1+1 together and panicing (and economies and civility collapses worldwide).

2) If the well noted "shift" will have the positive effects on consciousness, again, you want to alter the various rays from penetrating the planet to keep control of the populace to by time if nothing else.

Now, a new loop. Considering the increase in UFO sightings with the more public accounts being encounters where the ships are quite visible within our atmosphere and conducting intelligent movement. These sightings seem to be in specific areas/regions/countries across the globe. I often wondered why not in more places?...Even taking into account a gradually strategy being implemented. I could see some form of technology being used via the chemtrails that has an impact on the craft once they enter our atmosphere to minimize the attempts at waking up the populace to the ET reality.

One thing for sure, is that a lot of what were once conspiracy theory agendas are unfolding before our eyes, meaning we are in the midst of something unprecedented.

Always look for the physical signs rather on earth or off, and not from the web personalities. That will tell you what is most likely to come, if not tell you that the secrets of deception on humanity is blooming into public sight.
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