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Old 01-19-2010, 03:42 PM   #16
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Default Re: How Are We Using Our Time?

Originally Posted by TruthWillSetUFree View Post
Great thread seashore and wonderful responses from everyone.

When I first awoke I was all about finding a way to implement changes, that was until one by one many of the whistleblowers began showing their true colors consequently, hearing they are paid agents.
I was also a part of a spiritual group who were going to work the land and create a space of Love to help the world, again the leader was all about taking people's money living on it and doing nothing.
I realized as much as I want to know the Truth, it only goes so far in this physical realm so I have to find it within myself.

Groups will continue to bicker their opinions and individuals will continue to use the Truth to make money from it.

I don't judge this as wrong, it is only an observation.

I decided that I cannot rely on another's version of the Truth but to live my own.

I also believe that Truth in and of itself can change depending on the circumstances, so what may be true at one level, the very same can be false on another.

I don't do this in any big way, but I do believe 'heaven' works in paradox,what is small here is tremendously huge in the upper ethers.

So I spread love, light and speak my Truth. I know this sounds cliche but I do believe that every time one chooses of the light instead of the dark it helps to keep balance in the world. These small moments of consistently choosing light indeed makes a difference even though we are taught that a successful life is one that is BIG, With Lots of MONEY!

The most important thing to be is "to be like water" that is to allow myself to change with the incoming changes and not to attach myself to any one way of being.
I felt myself being more negative by listening to so much doom and gloom, remember our world shows up according to our perceptions, so I felt I could no longer continue listening to anything that would increase feelings of fear, mistrust, upset or hate towards another.

To me this is the single most thing I do not agree with in the conspiracy/truth movement. While it is beneficial to know what is happening around you I don't know that hating or mistrusting everything is a good idea either.

To keep the balance of love flowing I feel it is important to continue being love amid hate and light amid darkness.

Of course these are only my thoughts, not the Truth!
Wow...I wrote THIS this morning on another thread

It sounds a lot like THAT


It's not about denial.....

"Oh wow my arm just got cut off....No I BELIEVE IT's STILL THERE"..I bleed to death

I know within the limits of my reality...I am very malleable

I won't grow that arm back but if there is something I can do within the limits of my reality...I can effect the arm being lost

I can but a tourniquet on and then rewire my reality to cope with just one arm.

I have done this many times...I have literally brainwashed myself.

If something is unpleasant I can wire around the problem and find new venues of solutions and leave the unpleasantness behind.

Not denial....Mental aerobics...

Don't hit a wall...

Go over



The PTW wire us to move in one selected direction and limit your options basically brainwashing for control.

You can brainwash yourself into believing there is almost nothing you can't do.

Use their chains to free yourself
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