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Old 02-23-2010, 02:33 AM   #19
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: ET intervention and the loss of human freedom

Originally Posted by SteveX View Post
Firstly to spread the message we need to identify who is "them".
…we have…it’s the Illuminati, or some call it the NWO or PTB, much research material is available, and lots of it is confusing. Personally I think the information contained in the Handbook for the New Paradigm Series is the best available, really a must read…here is a brief quote from the 3rd book:

“These ever present beings have hidden themselves and operated through
this “unknowable God,” holding humanity hostage not only for
the resources of the planet, but as a last experiment in

Originally Posted by SteveX View Post
Secondly where to start. Fight the ET from this PC or take arms in a peaceful manner to tackle the system. There's a David and Goliath situation here. I don't fancy being David taking on an ET agenda but I could be David v the system.

We are little more than insurgents or freedom fighters without the means to take on an army. I only see passive gorilla action from the bottom as the way forward.
Action from the bottom, as you say, sounds good to me, and pretty close to what I gathered from these precious Handbooks, though it’s not passive and not quite a guerilla, but it is a grass roots movement; for now we just have to acknowledge the situation and refuse it; here are a few quotes from the 1st book, but for a full answer I recommend reading the books:

“You must vow and commit to become part of the solution. Then,
despite the continued push of deceptive encroachment into your
awareness, you must begin to discern what is truth. You must
hold to your resolve to move through this to a new and greater
understanding. When this becomes your greatest personal Truth,
then you will find opportunities to become part of a different
movement employing methods that will not constitute physical
resistance, but will use an entirely new approach. There is no
other way open, for resistance on a physical level would be immediately
snuffed out.”

“Together this spreading group awareness shall provide the pivotal point that will
bring an end to this situation. The resolve to be part of the solution from the
depths of personal consciousness is the key that will open the lock, end the
imprisonment of humanity and bring true freedom to the inhabitants of this planet.
Many are called, but few choose to respond. Where do you stand at this pivotal point?”

“… there are many that are waiting and wondering what it is that they can do,
now that they are aware. We shall provide that answer and it will seem to them an easy
thing to do, for they are being asked to do something that can be
done privately and without drawing any notice. And it is the
most powerful thing that needs to be done. It is a focused pivotal
change of attitude from victim to empowerment.
The great resistance to phase one information was because
each thought it would involve armed revolution to accomplish
change. We know that a change is not our goal. A new paradigm
of experience begins with totally different techniques and methods
and there is no counter measure in place once it is begun…”

I think that also Marshal Vian Summers gives us a good answer:
“…Do we have any hope against such a presence and a power?” The answer is yes, of course you do…Races cannot come and take another world by force…If races want to gain influence in another world, it must appear that their presence is accepted and welcomed.…If the presence of the Intervention becomes known to enough people, it can no longer function in secrecy and must withdraw. If your mind and heart cannot be turned through persuasion and seduction or intimidation, then the Intervention has no power over you.”

The above is of course just a partial answer, and hopefully some insight, but just a few quotes really don’t do justice to the precious material I mentioned that IMO is really worth reading.

Then we have the other problem…the new contending factions, which is the actual object of this thread, and those are summarized in a very “macro” way on the first post.
True, Carol, we don’t know what all their agendas are, but I think that basically those that come and take any kind of action (scientific cooperation, claim to save us from our bad government, rescue us on their ships, you name it…) are the ones to watch out for.

Hera again Marshal Vian Summers gives us a good answer:
“Your (true) allies would not intervene in the world in such a manner, for this would require them to take control of the world, which they will not do. And this would undermine humanity’s potential to become a free and self-determined race in the Universe.”
Our true allies just give us advice, that’s all, the rest is up to us.

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