Thread: Cults!
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Old 03-04-2010, 01:04 PM   #13
Frank Samuel
Project Avalon Moderator
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: i live in puerto rico
Posts: 643
Talking Re: Cults!

Thank you anchor . Through my travels I was involved with many groups and yes every group tells you that following them is the way to salvation, bad things will happen to those that do not follow their rules, It is a way to try and control your mind and emotions. The sharing with others inside of these groups create friendships that trap you into staying within these groups. I was kicked out of a few groups and others I decided to leave.
The way to establishing a heart to heart connection to the origin of all things is within you , you do not need to follow anyone, much less these groups .
You have the power to transform your life to achieve happiness and inner peace. The answers to all of your questions are found within you.
For me this is one of the reasons I am so emphatic about being your own person, reclaiming your sovereignty. Too many people around the world get trap by many of these groups some for their entire lifetime. Is time to wake up , become independent, the spiritual journey is different for all of us yet our destination is the same, shed your attachments to these groups and follow your own path, you'll be okay . Thank you Anchor for the post.

Blessings to all..
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