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Old 11-07-2008, 01:12 AM   #5
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Default Re: Obama - a star seed?

It's one thing to be a star seed, it's quite another to learn, develop, and live the Truth. So far his writings about himself are filled with half-truths; his birth country was probably Kenya [a lawyer is suing to try to get to the truth] his paternal grandmother says she was at his birth in Kenya--not Hawaii. He talks like a snake-oil salesman, more than psychopathic liar Clinton. Yes, Obama certainly does rally people. His policies are radical socialistic, nothing "Christian" about them; govt. and more big controlling govt. His wife too is of same persuasion-very intelligent and high minded. I see how elated the blacks are, at last one their own made it. They are justified. Never mind, Gen. Colon Powell, a candidate on the scene years ago. No question about his patriotism and origin of birth. I wait, pray, look for verifications, see what Creator God has to work out, after all, the earth is his and the fulness thereof. He sets up and takes down rulers. But we have a part by sending forth right intentions and prayers; God help us and Obama. We're near the end, not much time left as the Bible says: Behold I create a new heavens and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness. Looking forward to this change! Best regards, L
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