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Old 01-16-2010, 11:11 PM   #559
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by abraxasinas View Post
Dear me, no my dear Steven!

You have misunderstood the reply. The Andromedan stated, through Alex Collier, that they DID NOT KNOW where the 'elders' came from. This and the opening of the 12th dimension.

I did understand your reply, but I disagree with your statement about the "elder".

I then outlined in some detail, that the Draconians (of Collier) as well as the Lyrans (of Collier) are the GrandChildren of the 'founding elders'.
As you see, there is a missing generation - the Paa Taal (Collier), who are the 'common ancestors' of both the 'Draconian ' 'Dark STS' brotherhood say and the 'Lyran' 'Light STO' brotherhood (which then (Collier) gave issue to the Pleiadeans and the humans).

You have a very strong perspective of generation and lineage. It is good, but not absolute. We are all brothers and sisters under Creation, there is no hierarchy of importance in the hand of Creator. We are not from the lineage of the draconians, we are from a different composure. Draconians and dows are races hydrogen based form of life, while we human are oxygen based. We might have draconian DNA, but it was done unnaturally.

Nowhere did I even mention your 'Great Galactic War' as being anything else but a 'war between archetypes'. I did however separate the observer perspective of Andromeda as being extragalactic, whilst the 'Alpha Draconians', as well as the Lyran-Pleiadean-Human perspectives are from the intergalactic observation platform.

Yes, I understand your statement that your point of view (Thuban records) is from a higher perspective than the andromedans from Collier. But I simply do not believe it.

Then I attempted to clarify the Paa Taal as being a 'unified' observation point and I should have clarified, that this unified perspective 'transcends' all of your and Collier's notion of the 'Great Galactic War' in this galaxy and as say observed by the Andromdean extragalactic viewpoint.
You can write your own story about those 'wars of the Stars' OR you can accept the many other legends about those wars in editorial function or copycat fashion.

Or you can believe the "Thuban records" like you do. I do not believe them, that is why my point of view differ.

So yes, the Draconians (and all other races) are descendants from the Elders but the Elders are 'a generation' removed through the intermissiary of the Paa Taal. As the participants of the 'Great Galactic Wars' are all akin 'Grandchildren' of the Elders and akin Children of the Paa Taal; all of them remain 'in ambivalence' or mystery as to their origins.

Once again, it does not matter where you come from in the face of Creator, we are all sisters and brothers equal in the perspective of Creation that hold us all in consciousness. There is no proclaimed superior race, no decree written by Creation to let one race "rule" over another. Draconians are foreign to our universe, but welcome to live in peace as long as they accept to respect "Freewill" of self evolution without intervention. This is not from me, but from what Creation tells me. You can of course disagree and think I'm completely dreaming me inner knowledge, it is something that does not bother me. I expect the same attitude from you of course.

You can attempt to induce me to 'describe' the 'Great Galactic Wars' until the holy cows of Hathor return from Egypt, I will not do so.
In your attempt to contradict my data base by and through your comparative data obtained by a variety of other sources and authors; you are conveniently omitting my statement, that all of those 'star wars records' depict secondary and tertiary accounts and manifestations of the archetypes FOUNDED by the Elders and MANIFESTED by the Paa Taal and then RECORDED by the Third Generation.

The only sources I used to dialogue with you is my inner knowledge, and Alex Collier message received from the andromedans. The "Great Galactic War" came to be when draconians where "sent" in our Universe. They were established in the Alpha draconis star system. Being evolved as explorer they went to the Lyrian Star system and imposed their point of view of Creation to the Lyrians. The Lyrians refused to be treated as an "under race" and the dracoids did not like it. That is how the "Great Galatic War" began and it last for long. Since then, dracoids formed alliance with other races and tries to influence the course of natural evolution of emerging race, like ours here and now...

As member of the Council of Thuban, I observe the many records of the 'story telling' of OUR Grandchildren. There is no need for me to IMAGE another accord for this, as the Archetypology described to you in some detail, ENCOMPASSES ALL of such stories and legends.

Again, same answer. I understand your statement that the "Thuban records" are from higher perspective and encompass all our data and understanding. I just do not agree with this statement, I find it manipulative and tyrannical.

You cannot contradict my database dear Grandchild. Perhaps it would be advisable for you to discover who your parents are, before you question the wisdom of the Elders.

I can disagree with your data base and I can say it is wrong. I am not trying to convince you, but I expect the same from you, that is "Freewill". I am son of Creation dear brother. I am not your grandchild, but your brother, equal in all manners. I am free and responsible of my consciousness and all repercussion of my act around me because I know the Universal Laws that encompass all Existence. I can question the wisdom of the elders because I am a soul connected to Creation. I expect the "wisdom of the elders" to respect my "Freewill" and the "Freewill" of all inhabitant of the Universe.

Grandpa Abraxas
Your brother, equal in all manners, Steven
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