Thread: Valery Uvarov
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Old 11-02-2008, 04:32 PM   #14
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Valery Uvarov

Nexus Magazine now offers Uvarov's ebook, The Pyramids, which can be downloaded at:


AT THE BEGINNING OF THE BOOK HE WRITES: readers should be warned that reading this book will change them. Your consciousness will never be the same again. This knowledge is of the sort that changes your whole outlook, your attitude to the world and to people, because it touches upon the very essence of the human being and his or her inner world. As a reward you will gain much practical use from the research in which you can participate by working your way through this book.

AT THE END OF THE BOOK HE WRITES: After reading this book, you know what prompted the Ancients to begin building pyramids. They were seeking the path to immortality through contact and dialogue with far more highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations, learning about the Cosmos and the nature of things. You will agree that the idea of being able with the aid of the pyramid to establish contact with advanced civilizations, whose intelligence and knowledge were capable of postponing your death for thousands of years, and to open up unprecedented prospects for development could well serve as a powerful stimulus to begin building!

I've finished reading the book and must say that I got a good-sized activation from it. Twice I felt overcome with the intensity of the material (even though I was very familiar with most of it) and had to go lay down to let the subtleties process.

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