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Old 11-18-2008, 03:47 PM   #6
Bill Ryan
Project Avalon Co Founder
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 353
Default Re: Ask BILL and KERRY

Originally Posted by dayzero View Post
That's a great idea, and thanks for the forum, sites and the overall project.

Oh yeah..... a question;
What do you think of this Terrence McKenna 'Vision'......?

Part 1;
Part 2;
All those familiar with Project Camelot's work wil know that we embrace the idea of parallel alternative timelines. For us, these are very real - and are well understood and utilized in military classified projects and also by our extraterrestrial (or extratemporal!) visitors.

The branches in timelines may be frequent and (in the infinite universes model) may occur every time a free-willed person makes a choice. Branches will also occur when a time traveler goes back in time to alter an event.

I'm not sure if this is exactly what Terence McKenna is saying when he referred to a duplicate Earth being created at certain critical points in history... it sounded as if he was either meaning this in some literal sense (which I would say was nonsense), or was not explaining the above parallel timelines concept as simply as he could.

Originally Posted by Flying Pyramid View Post
Hello Bill & Kerry.
I for one would like to say thank you for doing what you do.
I am glad to have such a place to visit and share what knowledge i have to offer and gain more knowledge than what i arrived with.
I am/was a web hosting and forum hosting provider and a 3D studio owner and i will say to everyone that running such a business in hard. Not so much money wise but the support, contacts, travel, let alone what negative energy you may get thrown at you depending on the content of your venture.
I posted Free DC Energy a couple of days ago and things seem to be alright, then early yesterday i posted the drive engine mechanics for the basic starships and a couple of hours later my service once again was shut down. So i reuploaded the images and files to a new hidden server and will march on reguardless.

The only question i have for you is have you contimplated the idea of omni-self remote viewing? Being able to "wake up" in your body in a different paralell timeline?
Yes, anyone who is 'swimming upstream' (as we are) can expect problems. These are often small and irritating (people don't usually get killed any more, just interfered with in various ways): deleted or missing files, interference on e-mails and hard drives, strange things happening on forums . Your approach is the same as ours: march on regardless.

Re 'omni-self remote viewing', this is the first time I've heard that term. 'Waking up' in a parallel timeline has been reported by Whitley Strieber and Richard Bach, and probably happens at least sometimes to some of the more gifted remote viewers, such as David Morehouse and Ingo Swann.

Originally Posted by elka View Post
Hallo Bill,
Thanks for the opportunity to answer some questions here!

My only question is:

In your many interviews with the whistleblowers from different fields and experiences of life, how you and Kerry can be sure, that information from all these people(whistleblowers) you receive is credible?
What are the criteria of trust you are trying to follow within the information you pass later on internet?

We can't ever be totally sure... but we're really pretty confident. We get some information sometimes that we do not think is credible - and we don't publish that. We also have not interviewed some people who we do not think are credible.

But we don't try to DIScredit anyone, or knock anyone else's claims. We leave that to others. If we think someone 'out there' is problematic, we just ignore them and focus on what we believe is the positive.

This does NOT mean that everyone who we've not interviewed yet is not credible. Some people we'd love to meet and just have not yet made contact - or, in some cases, we have interviews planned or scheduled but they've just not happened yet.

We're well aware that some of our witnesses' testimony contradicts that of others. It's obvious when that's the case. We do believe that all our witnesses believe what they are telling us and are simply reporting what they understand, or have been told.

Not all witnesses have been told everything - for instance, while we believe that Dan Burisch's story is credible and important, we're as certain as we can be that he does not know of the real existence of other races of visitors beyond the four he has described. (There are likely to be dozens, or even hundreds, as far as we are able to judge.)

[to be continued]
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