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Old 02-06-2010, 10:47 AM   #11
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Default Re: meditation question

Lost Soul: Once a person is able to meditate very well as you obviously can, they’ll sometimes see all kinds of images. These images can be all sorts of things: scenes from past lifetimes (maybe not on this planet or dimension), from probable future lifetimes, energies of all kinds, dimensions of all kinds – such as worlds or “landscapes” made entirely out of symbols, or out of subtle thoughts or intuitions / pure ideas, or out of light, or out of endless craziness that’s totally fun, and that’s just mentioning a few of the possibilities. If you watch the images you might notice you’re traveling through time, say, or through something even stranger.

Most of the various different meditation schools or methods I’ve come across tell you to do one of two things. Either they tell you to ignore all that “scenery” and let it go, to place no significance on it whatsoever, and to just keep flowing into the “emptiness” of pure consciousness. Or else they tell you to briefly note it and then, as in the previous case, to drop it, to ignore it. This is the quickest path to liberation, and to increasing the bliss in your life and healing the conscious and sub-conscious pain you carry from the emotional scars you have received in your life.

From that point of view, worrying about the significance of images you see is unproductive and unimportant. On the other hand, let’s assume you have the time to meditate properly (deeply) for a quarter of an hour or half an hour a day. Once you have completed that much meditation for the day, if you have time to spare you may like to go into a meditative condition, where you are somewhat detached from your five senses, and deliberately look at the images and seek to follow them and understand them. In that case they’ll soon start running in sequences like part of a movie. The movie may not make sense at first. So keep practising. You are now in the territory of astral travel and remote viewing and clairvoyance and creative inspiration. This is a big field. In my experience it’s very useful to learn to “fly”: to detach or “externalise” from your body so that you can actually travel in other dimensions or worlds. Maybe the easiest way to learn to “fly” (which itself is very joyful, kind of like driving at a high speed but without danger of crashing) is through learning traditional “astral travel”, which involves using your astral body. (Because I sometimes have the ability to be aware of dead people, I've often seen somebody who I used to know who dies come back to say hello and that they're (usually) doing great after several days, and they're often at that point carried away by the joy of flying everywhere, like a kid with his/her first proper bicycle.) I prefer not to use any body at all, but to travel as a kind of point of light or of universal consciousness.

Going back to the meaning of the “grid” you saw: you yourself would have been the best person to identify what it meant – but you needed to say what it meant without you doing any thinking. Your subconscious or unconscious mind speaks to you in symbols. The straight lines certainly suggest something artificially constructed by your rational mind. It could mean a gate, or prison bars – maybe being opened or removed? The very pleasant “blackness” you mention is presumably what the Buddhists call the Void. That’s really the divine or universal worlds (or “the universe” or “God”, if you like), maybe perceived from within one of the worlds of formlessness, which are at a slightly lower level.

Firedrake: I've seen something very similar to the pattern you describe. I believe it's connected to partially switching off the five senses -- and therefore also colour and shape. Physics tells us that colour doesn't actually exist in the external world -- that it's purely an illusion our minds create in response to certain energy frequencies. I believe when you're seeing that pattern you have your thinking brain disengaged somewhat -- and you're seeing a more accurate picture of what's really there.
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