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Old 01-26-2010, 05:05 PM   #35
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: New Wilcock and Fulford conversation

I agree, both men have a great capacity for good, yet my intuition and logic is kicking my ass here as I feel this information is bunk, David is a great guy with a startling intellect, but he does live in his own bubble, thats full of love and light, because when I look out of my window I see Truth... People suffering and dying and until people on the whole change nothing will, people are waking up but not enough of the right now.

David is preaching love and light and that's all good, but when I turn my attention to haiti or China last year there are pockets of hope, but mostly depression and darkness for a country in mourning, it is natural to grieve, yes it is considered a selfish act but all the same even animals grieve.

When David channels RA, Ra talks of amazing beauty of this world, yet he came from a time that was indeed beautiful yet it was surrounded by death and greed, backstabbing and hatred, even the gods of Sumner initiated in conflict within themselves, in the "Golden Age" it was not all love and light, but more war, more captivity and more enslavement. this makes me truly wonder.

Who's side is David on, because those who will not stand up as one, united together because they believe the change is beautiful and come what may is supposed to happen is that not enslavement again? Jim Jones preached love and light up until he made woman and men feed cyanide to their children.

I know some beautiful people here in Avalon that ARE filled with REAL love and light, and they are not confidence men or using it as a catalyst to make the ones who have woken up, sleepy subservient. DO you really think the powers that be, the real higher intelligence ignore the amount of people waking up and are we arrogant enough to believe that they have not got countermeasures for this? In my opinion this is David Wilcock, take the awake population that are ready to stand up and fight for their home, their planet and families, not physically alone but spiritually and turn them into a bunch of soft doe eyed love and light beings that refuse to stand because we will ascend into glory? that's not putting us back to sleep, that's us in a coma.

These beings have high intelligence and they know what makes us tick, how to push out buttons to make us complacent, make us docile and fill us with love, so we do place the flower in the barrel of a gun, then the war is over because it is not a stand but a slaughter, I am with Alex Collier, I will not let my family be put in a death camp or face murder at the hand of a tyrannical order of beings that use's every trick in the book to make us question our very right to our own freedom, the incorporate a useless way to do this.

I believe in spirituality, but not enough people are at the level it takes to make such a difference and to believe a wave of awakening is going to happen, as a human being if the past has taught us nothing that we are not ready for that kind of knowledge, some of us are, but most will not be able to handle this, in the last century alone we were responsible for two wars that encompassed the globe, how far have we come in only 70 odd years? not far enough, to wield this knowledge responsibly...

yet again a situation where people who should stand proud shoulder to shoulder are divided.
Oh yes and!!

He said
the the earth will pass through a 'photon belt' and humanity will pass from 3d existence into 4d existence: No scientific evidence for this exists. Its important to remember that wilcock has said this before and nothing came of it he used to promote the year 2000 as the year of spiritual change then, when nothing happened, his website changed from "ascension200" to "ascension2012" suspicious???
you tell me,
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