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Old 12-30-2009, 12:01 AM   #21
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Glen Ellen Ca
Posts: 611
Default Re: escaping ? selling ? letting go of everything ? HOW DID YOU DO IT ???

in the process of it now for about a year. its a tough place to be. while everybody is just looking to gain. and your looking to step out. and most all my friends are cutting throats trying to survive. and blowing me off for believing what i believe. our system no longer is serving us as a whole. the hardest is to get motivated and find another way to survive. food and shelter. require the system pretty much. I find myself selling my possessions and looking at the homeless for tips on survival. maybe stand with the mexican group and look for cash jobs, im not really sure. but im looking as to how to complementary step out. and information on such things are welcome.
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