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Old 10-16-2008, 04:56 AM   #22
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Default Re: Mass mind-control counter measures: input needed

Sounds at Night...

Have you ever heard the Earth moaning? Deep low sounds... like when a boom box is far off and you can only hear the base? Sound waves so low you don't really hear them, but feel them?

You will hear them late at night... more inside than outside due to resonance...

Mystery surrounds humming noise

One solution simple as the wind...

Put a small fan in your bedroom on low at night. This creates white noise. A fountain or bubbling aquarium also works for this. The fan will also circulate the air in the room, preventing a CO2 pocket from making you suddenly bolt awake at night with an anxiety attack caused because you are literally gasping for air.

Also arrange your bed so your head points North (Magnetic north) Since we are electrical beings, aligning your body to the natural magnetic flow of the earth will help

Your cat also knows where to sleep based on null points
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