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Old 02-23-2010, 04:37 AM   #60
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Beaver Lake, AR
Posts: 402
Default Re: Flushing the Liver of the toxic stones within...

Pardon me... as I consider, myself, and how inconvenient it is to posit against the Thread's premise... I am As compelled to share as is the thread starter.

You might consider why it is that most prescribed protocols recommend a practice of cleanse not to exceed 5 to 7 days. That amt of time is sufficient to "cleanse" ones self, liver/gall bladder etc (that is the premise).

I chalenge ConnectingWithSauce to extend his/her liver OR gall bladder cleanse, either one, to one month minimum and report back....

See what keeps coming out of your colon during that prolonged period of time (if you accept the challenge).
You will find that the "appearance" of "stones" will continue, no matter how long you practice the method.

The combination of ingredients will ensure that!

My premise is this: you are creating the "stones" that you are releasing & posting w/photos. Don't believe me? Then just keep up with the cleanse for twice as long or three times as long as is recommended by whatever protocol you are following.

The ingredients that are taken will CAUSE a coagulation and formation of those "soft" clots that are shown in your photos as stones.

GallStones/LiverStones have a different constitution than what comes out your A$$$ in those photos.

Some, a few, maybe many, people are open to the truth and will recognize truth when they look into a subject long enough to see clearly.

The cleanses that are spoken of here on this thread, will not hurt you...but they do Not do what is claimed. Period. Please check further than a few mere google surfaced searches and Do check into the warnings even the quackwatch sites... gather your information.

You can chit orbs of oily orbs all you want via the ingredients, it does Not mean your organs are full of that, the numbers of what comes out woudl kill you if they were existent to begin with.... THINK.

If you don't think that the search engines are orchestrated, then you are so wrong... look and see from this one simple search how the New Age has taken over the top search engines....

Don't seek what it is that you want to see...
seek the truth and notice your gratitude to find out!

Ponder this: that the alterntives health venues, yes, it's real, that probably 75% of the "holistic health industry" is just as amiss as conventional medicine... that is My experience of 30 yrs.

So, ConnectingWithSauce... your challenge is to continue the 5 days cleanse to a longer regime'.... see if you still chit soft orbs that you might wish to continue to call '"stones"...

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