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Old 01-24-2010, 06:20 AM   #12
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Comet/ G1.9 giant planetary body coming in to solar system

Northern Sanctuary,

Sorry, if the criticism in my last message seemed aimed at you. It was not so intended, and also more generally tact has never been my strong suit. Now back to what I thought about the video.

I cannot argue with witness testimony, but I am unable to tell exactly where that testimony ends and where the presenter's own biases begin. I am guessing witnesses did not tell him that whatever was going to happen was due to a pole shift. He merely came up with that as an explanation for why there might/would be such massive inundation.

I would have to say that based on the SCIENTIFIC information I currently have, a physical (as opposed to magnetic) pole shift is not a credible scenario. You may have other reasons for believing one might happen, and I am sure Dan Burish would have something to say about this, but I won't get into that here. So let me engage in some rank SPECULATION about what might have gone on here.

I do not know if you have heard about 99942 Apophis . This asteroid was discovered in 2004, and has the distinction of having HAD the highest threat level of any asteroid (4 on the Torino scale ). Now for well over a year, and maybe close to two, this asteroid had a significant assigned probability of impacting in 2029. Now suppose you are a high level government bureaucrat, and you hear about this – what to you do? Well you get some think tank to do a study and see what the risks are. Now, since the trajectory is known so poorly, you certainly don’t know where it would impact, but you do know that 70% of the surface of the earth is water, so what happens if it impacts in the ocean? Well you run some simulations and see how far inundations might travel inland if it happens to land in some inopportune spots. And Holy ****, Batman! – this is serious. And so you conclude that maybe you should not have all your government facilities near the ocean. Even if this asteroid turns out benign, the threat is ongoing although small, so you decide to relocate some of your facilities. And by the way, maybe you also tell some top officials/some of your buddies that they might not want to retire at that beachfront property, although you don’t tell them exactly why. Again, this whole scenario has been speculation. And as it turns out now, this asteroid is currently assigned a very small probability of impacting.

Last edited by wfranzen; 02-07-2010 at 12:13 PM.
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