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Old 01-08-2010, 08:59 AM   #38
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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Originally Posted by THE eXchanger View Post
no source, but, appears to be from mark H, webmaster of wingmakers;

May 27, 2008

This was written as a brief overview of some of the most important subjects we discuss. It was meant to provide some introductory descriptions of terms we use every day in our updates. The magnitude of events, NOW unfolding, is requiring us all to stretch: multidimensionally/interdimensionally to our own divine core-connections which will very quickly be blessing us with more of who and what we are being and becoming. MarkH

If you’re up for some eclectic delvings into ‘mostly invisible’ stories behind Matrix holodeck illusory ‘reality’, then you may find some of this information, opinion and experience stimulating.

Much is breaking through the surface veneer as folks that have direct experiences are coming forth to share. It has always been so–in very esoteric circles–but not usually in a public venue. That is all changing.

In 3D no one and nothing is as it appears to be. Everyone and everything is cloaked behind facades, and doublespeak is used in public interactions with programs to obscure and control economics, behaviors and resources, and especially any facts dealing with the galactic presence and our hybrid population that comes from the stars.

About 87% of our kids from new babies through teen years are galactic-humans. All of us come from elsewheres/whens. This is the means by which an incredible new golden future is being birthed.

And, the really neat part is that–like the “100th Monkey effect”–there is a ‘100th Cosmically Conscious person’ effect by which all the rest of us are upshifted to a new higher functionality level…since it was already embedded into our DNA before we entered into this focus. We are far along in our migration/upshift from a carbon-based matrix to a silica-based matrix of 13 crystalline chakras/vibratory nexus levels.

You will see references to NESARA {National Economic Security and Reformation Act} which was signed into Law by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, but sealed from any attempt to prove its existence until it is announced, at which time it becomes fully effective.

The Announcement was scheduled for 10:15 AM on Sept 11, 2001…but that was ‘prevented’ by the Twin Towers attacks, which were planned and executed by our own gov’t’s black ops agents. Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson, David Ray Griffen and many others are speaking out on this subject.

The illuminati controllers will do anything to prevent its implementation as it immediately spells their removals from political and economic control over the people and resources of this planet.

It requires full return to Constitutional and Common Law principles by 190 countries starting with the US. Involves–due to present fraudulent practices — mortgage debt forgiveness; cancellation of all credit card debt; student loan forgiveness; ends IRS collection of Income Tax and substitutes a National Sales Tax on non-essential items only with no tax on food, medicines or used goods. Requires all existing congressional/administrative heads to resign; all lawyers would have to take a 30 day Constitutional Law course as statute laws will be dissolved.

The world economic system will shift to transparent operations — Basel II was implemented in the month of April — precious metals backed currency and the federal reserve and its collection agent {IRS}, and most corrupt alphabet agencies will be dissolved. Current FR notes will be exchanged for US Treasury bills backed by Gold, Silver or precious metals on a $1 for $1 basis.

Special Trusts and 78 programs which were originally created by St Germaine over 200 years ago for this time, will provide the means to offer free education to all and assist all in upgrading quality of life. Suppressed technologies, secretly being used by the controllers, will be made available to the public. These provide clean and unlimited power for home, industry, travel, etc.

Replicators will be made available with First Contact landings to provide most items. There will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies, 30 days after announcement, so that while you now receive $100 income and pay sales taxes and income taxes on that amount, you will only pay sales taxes on $10 when spent for non-essential items after re-indexing. This is to remove much of the false inflation from the prices of goods caused by use of fiat money instead of precious metals backed currency.

Peace is a requirement and no more wars or nuclear weapons will be allowed. The methods and means to achieve this are already in place and can be implemented upon single command.

A single molecular change in the nuclear process will make all existing nuclear processes benign. Galactic/human teams will clean up air, water, soil and toxic contamination in the first two months following Announcement. Polluting industries will no longer be necessary as their replacements will be non-polluting and the old plants will be removed by processes that re-cycle the energies.

Benefactor programs will become available and gifting programs are extensive and worldwide to ensure that all will experience unprecedented opportunity to make new choices for their future occupations and enhanced learning programs will be available to quickly upgrade or learn new skills. Diagnostic/healing methods and technologies will become available to reverse all medical conditions and restore optimal health. All these technologies and methods presently exist. Many others have been suppressed but will be brought forth for all to benefit from.

Nonetheless, earth’s role as a school house is ending, and all the ’students/teachers’ have the opportunity to ‘wakeup’ and remember who they really are and from where they came: star-travelers from all over the universe, who agreed to participate in a grand experiment to see if they could set aside their higher dimensional origins and come into polarity and gradually wake up to their true nature and then reunite with their galactic families as part of the Family of the One/Law of the One.

In addition, to smooth out the differences in expression which resulted in conflicts over long periods of interaction, a plan was crafted to carefully incorporate 12 different templates into one coordinated, balanced and Source-connected Soul matrix.

This required projecting fragments into many different times, places, formats so that at this time the soul could reintegrate all those fragments/aspects into its fully integrated Self and then go forth into a higher level of expression with all the individual wisdoms being available to the ascended One.

The only balanced way to do this was for a holographic design in which each contained all. A spherical image of 12 pairs joined at the center so that all feedback loops have the same radius, and simultaneous, synchronistic, access to all dynamic flows of thought, feelings, database information, allows participation as a singular identity at all times.

The Adam Kadmon template was the vehicle designed for this experiment to allow embodiment in matter after our antimatter universe–Aurora, a 23-sun system–was destroyed.

Adam Kadmon is bilaterally symmetrical and fully balanced, coordinated and sentient; a nested container with components extending interdimensionally and multidimensionally, incorporating male/female and matter/spirit seamlessly, and therefore quite suitable to be a temple of living god/goddess expressions. As this progresses it will result in 12D realization as a bio-plasmic Unity capable of matter or spirit expression in any manner/mode desired with full consciousness. {see Holographic Universe}

Zeropoint is a construct {see Gregg Braden and others’ writings on this.} to deal with a moment in space-time in which it is possible to reorient all space-time events so that they can–like spokes being placed around a hub and then joined to form a spherical nexus, all past, present, alternative and future foci — meet in a single instant of No Time.

That instant becomes coherently resonant with a Divine intent to reorganize/restructure into a whole new template to adventure forth into a never before imprinted, Golden Universe, as co-creators…or so intuitively derived information strongly suggests. All life is headed towards that event horizon in the coming years.

There are many choice-points where progression spin-offs can occur so that, in effect, we will all rise to our correct higher levels of spiritual stabilization and clarity from which we descended to participate in this undertaking.

Earth’s transformation into a star is already well underway…as is true of Jupiter also.

We have been moving from the 9th ring out from galactic center towards the 3rd ring adjacent to Alcyone–our central sun in the Pleiades constellation…which is permanently in the Photon Belt, perpendicularly ‘wrapped’ around its orbital position and 2000 years wide. That has very important implications for our futures.

Another reference you will encounter dealing with political/economic matters are the three factions or power alignment interests. F1 is primarily focused in Europe {Rothschilds, etc}; F2 is primarily focused in the US {Rockefellers, Bush, Clinton, Mellon, Chase, etc} and F3 involves elements of all these plus the galactic hierarchy {Sananda, St Germaine, Ascended masters, Ashtar command, and is coordinated on the earth by an insider who we refer to as the KOS {King of Swords} who, with St Germaine, was appointed by the ICJ {Int’l Ct of Justice in the Hague} in 1999 as head of the 4 million man, world-wide militia, and pro-forma president of the US. KOS is an enhanced galactic-human with a 3d job, wife and history who speaks 23 languages. He and those who work with him and the galactics are at 38 levels above the President of the US.

That level involves the ACIO {Alien Contact Intel Org/Labyrinth Group is the innermost director level researching and working directly with the positive galactic members of the InterGalacticConfederation of Worlds {IGC/GF} and coordinating earth-galactic interfaces dealing with planetary ascension, time travel and many technologies too important and powerful to discuss here at this time. The four interviews with Dr Neruda {see website index for important background information on ACIO/Labyrinth group matters which} i highly commend for your consideration. Some perspectives have since been upgraded through direct contact with higher dimensional sources not contacted at the time {around 1997} those interviews were conducted. The balance of the material on that website is of mixed content and may not be absent of manipulation/spin.

The most important issues at this moment are the revealing of the 70-year coverup of galactic presence in our skies, prior to their decloakings. Some baby steps have been taken with frequent small decloakings occurring worldwide and many more to follow. The secret governmental delousing operations are well advanced and 10,000+ indictments are being held by Patrick Fitzgerald under court seal awaiting the signal to arrest, remove the criminals, heading and infiltrated throughout our political and banking and corporate systems.

We are at this moment actually under the joint jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice/World Court and the President of the Solar Tribunal {Lady Master Nada} who has been appointed by the ICJ as Special Prosecutor with power to arrest the indicted ones; dissolve our corrupt judiciary and Announce NESARA. Agents from Interpol and ICJ are present in D.C. along with the 82nd Airborne and others. We have been well advised that galactic ships are over every major city and will decloak when the signal is given.

These are higher dimensional bio-organic craft which can alter their density to appear solid in our dimension. Large Mother ships of 3000-5000 mile diameters are outside our solar system and these ships are deployed from those Mother craft as well as from deep underground basis all over this planet. 50,000 beings enter through Lake Volstok in Antarctica every day, we are told.

All planets and all suns are hollow structures with more space dimensions inside than outside. This I have seen/experienced. The sun is cool, not hot as we have been fooled into believing. The warmth of the sun is from the effects of Far Infrared wavelengths. All suns have a full population of inhabitants. Most have 12-14 planets orbiting them. So does ours. Our sun is well along in its shift from hydrogen to helium. When you add xenon gas you have the basis for reactivation of our higher abilities.

All the planets in our solar system have been changing since the 1987 harmonic convergence/1999 Harmonic concordance accelerated our advancement and that acceleration is continuing to increase at rates too amazing to contemplate.

We are now in the photon belt which is ionizing and accelerating/increasing the vibratory frequency and rate of every particle of spirit/matter here and throughout our solar system and beyond, as this planet–at the pivot point of the end-of-ages Grand Shift–is being prepared for a rapid restoration to the spiritual planes.

These are a few of the major subjects we discuss and share updates on. Some information is historical and is for background purposes only, as current events and developments require more and more connecting of the dots to see and comprehend the magnitude of the wondrous events we are privileged to participate in. Some historical items are a bit shocky at first, if you haven’t been exposed to them, but will fall into their right place as the story unfolds and climaxes in the coming days.

That’s right, days not years. The main events are removing impediments to free access. Once that is done, we can all begin to level the economic playing field and become a part of the restoration of our planet to a conscious pristine living being with whom we will all be consciously sharing wisdoms and abilities.

Telempathic resonance is returning and will inform all our communications in the coming years. Our hearts/DNA are pre-coded to open as the frequency rises. Love and Wisdom are the foundation legs which allow all to share without limitation; but with respect for the divine god particle at the heart of our individual soul matrix. We are all equal or equivalent beings of divine potential, and this will soon be visible and known by all who choose to continue as galactic citizens on Terra Nova.

Many will be returning to their home worlds as ambassadors in the coming cycle. The ships from their worlds already are here as part of the grand fleets working with the Ashtar Command to assist and assure Gaia’s protection and Ascension. We now have — at high altitudes above both poles — 3000 mile diameter Wingmaker craft to keep the earth’s balance during this final shifting.

Nothing can stop what has already reached critical mass. If you are in the path of an avalanche you either become part of the snowball or get out of the way. It is already manifested in the causal plane and will soon be overwhelmingly discernable. The joy of anticipation is a counterbalance to the steps yet to be taken to clear the impediments and set the new foundation infrastructure in place. New crystalline grids/codes have already become emplaced/activated in the core of the planet and are causing similar changes in each of us.

We are daily receiving new pulses of activating instructions directly from the Great Central Sun and all that is no longer valid is being purged as it can not go with us into the higher realms. Just as you clean up the kitchen after a holiday meal preparation and enjoyment, there are always residues that need to be either recycled are removed. Spring cleaning for the soul-matrix is much the same. The graduation exams are in process and most if not all final choices have been made. The champagne is in the fridge. When the signal comes we will pop our corks together. …

Blessings in the Light,


P.S. I take full responsibility for any errors or misinformation which may have inadvertently been included due to negligence or ignorance. This is a speculative, if you wish, overview. Each of the subjects have numerous references which can provide more in depth information. Discernment is required because of the nature of this material. Feel free to disregard anything here that does not resonate with your own inner truth. This
information is just a stimulus to remembering what is already known inside each of us
Pertinent information Susan and in general concordance with the original wingmakers material and the agenda of Thuban.

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