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Old 02-21-2010, 06:23 AM   #1164
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Default Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Magamud View Post
The plumed serpents have left their works in the lost civilizations around the planet with high knowledge of astrophysics. These beings kept in place a god worship dynamic using sentient energy. Can you explain the means of entrapping the soul beyond death creating reincarnation. Is it giving the soul what it believes as heaven, like a holadeck? Also how many times has this place gone through the precession of ages in the zodiac?
Dear Magamund!

The socalled entrapment of the soul is incarnation itself. The architecture of the universe is very simple in design but is becoming more and more complex in the say 'finetunings' to build the material objects found within this physicalised cosmos.
The simplicity is the SEED and just as an apple tree can grow from a simple apple seed, so is the construction of all physicality in the universe and as say found in the workings of the genetic code.

So the biochemical DNA/RNA has a metaphysical or spiritual precursor.

(83) Jesus says:
(1) "The images are visible to humanity, but the light within them is hidden in the image. The light of the Father will reveal itself, but his image is hidden by his light."

(84) Jesus says:
"When you see your likeness you are full of joy.
But when you see your likenesses that came into existence before you – they neither die nor become manifest – how much will you bear?"

(17) Jesus says: "I will give you what no eye has seen, and what no ear has heard, and what no hand has touched, and what has not occurred to the human mind."

(29) Jesus says:
"If the flesh came into being because of the spirit, it is a wonder.
But if the spirit (came into being) because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders.
Yet I marvel at how this great wealth has taken up residence in this poverty."

The above sayings of our master templar so provide a definition for 'all things seen having been made by things unseen'.

Hebrews 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Then the apple seed appearing was made by the (much smaller) DNA/RNA code appearing was made by some prior code not appearing.
This non appearing code is symbolic or mathematical or archetypical in an UNSEEN non appearing order of the cosmogony predating the cosmology.

The human soul (and all other souls) are definable in this unseen code as emanations from the prime creator source and as holofractal parts thereof.
The mechanics of this definition process is a LOGOS, namely the coupling of the Source Energy in some chaotic selfstate (of an undefined God NOT aware of itself as some wording say) with its own Intelligence (the Word of John.1.1).
The order for the DISPENSATION of the chaotic God-Energy so becomes of paramount importance and does not require the SEEN space- and time- and matter parameters.

So the SOUL preexists the materialised universe as a part or shard of God+Logos=All That Is (as defined before the physical universe is born).

The ORDER of the LOGOS so also becomes the Order of the Soul and this is known as the dimensional hierarchy with the dimensions allowing definition of the densities as the gradient energies within and connecting those dimensions.

Ok then, your question so relates the 3D embodiment of the soul in the things that are seen - this is the incarnation in the 3D space and the 4D spacetime continuum.

The 3 space dimensions are however complemented by colocal triplicities of say 'compacted' or 'conifolded' space dimensions.
This then many term the ASTRAL Plane and the ETHERIC plane.

So the incarnated soul finds itself 'trapped' in a 3D body merkabah (this is actually a sphere about the Cosmic Man as the AdamEve archetype) BUT also has a hidden (often subconscious) access to the Astral Hyperspace plane and the (often superconscious) Etheric Quantumspace plane.

The general 'New Age' and 'Perennial Philosophy' idea so becomes to 'ascend' from the base triplicity through the astral and the etheric planes back to the source.

Then the socalled 'harvesting' of souls by astral ETs, 'Draconian Devils', 'Demonic Vampyres' and such is simply the interaction of the 'waking conscious' 3D-aware souls with their own astral 6D and etheric 9D planes of the subconscious and the superconscious.

Now because the astral and etheric dimensions are both individual and collective, interference and communication eventuates as a function of the individual's selfstate of selfawareness. This is often termed frequency state or resonance potential, but requires rigorous definition in terms of how the ultimate resonance state of the source (say Holy Spirit or such) communicates with the soul-vibration of the individual.

So your ideas about the holodeck are quite appropriate. The hologram of the entire universe is the SEED within you as the physicalisation of the AdamEve archetype (defined BEFORE the spacetimes emerged).
Then the 3 dimensional triplicities of 3D-Linespace; 6D-(Astral)Hyperspace and 9D-(Etheric)Quantumspace all harbour many sublevels, such as tiers of 7 and 9.
The first 5 sublevels are subject to polarity manifested; the next 2 subject to unmanifested internalised polarity and the 8th and 9th sublevel are unpolarised in all definitions.

So for example you and as your soul can encounter negatively polarised astral entities in the 5th 'hell' in hyperspace in what you may term OBE or NDE or a 'nightmare'.
The hyperspace defines angular spacetime parameters, i.e. rotation.

The quantumspace defines oscillations about a mean pivot and is 'higher' in potency as it is closer to the prime source ultimate resonance (in 12D omnispace).

So the 'EVIL=VEIL' entities in 9D-quantumspace become PURE PROJECTIONS of the soul-ID in the lower dimensions, as the quantumspace by definition only harbours unified polarity.

It is the cosmic justice, that the ETHERIC serves as a PURE MIRROR for the lowerD soul in evolution.

This place, actually the entire universe has never before undergone the destined transformation of a 'Group-Soul' from impregnation on Ap[ril 1st, 2012 to birth (of the starhumanity as a cosmic planetary baby) on December 21st, 2012 and its weaning ending on August 4th, 2013.


Last edited by abraxasinas; 02-21-2010 at 07:53 AM.
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