Thread: Concepts of God
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Old 12-05-2008, 01:29 PM   #33
Sol Invictus
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Default Re: Consepts of God

Do I believe in a Universal Creator? Yes I do.

Do I believe in 'God and the Bible'? no, because its a crock of crapiola. Its a book, designed by powerful men to rob the weak of hope and happiness in their mortal lives and look instead to the 'next' life and grind themselves into the ground and into exhaustion because of old fat greedy men saying 'God will reward you'.

The most evil thing ever created was the Catholic Church, Judism and Islam. They are all three monumental cages to hold people oppressed and cowed down to a few powerful elect above them.

I wish people would be kind, generous, helpful, consoderate and loving because it was in them all the time, instead of doing good deeds because they fear 'some one' above them with a rod and 'eternal flames' to punish them.

I adore Jesus's message. Love one another. How simple can it be? and yet we have a man made set of books killing our spirits driving us downwards.

When I died I indeed saw some thing magnificant; It was beautiful, it was divine. However i never needed a damn book to experience it or be taken there.
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